class Intercal < Formula desc "Esoteric, parody programming language" homepage "" url "" sha256 "93d842b81ecdc82b352beb463fbf688749b0c04445388a999667e1958bba4ffc" license "GPL-2.0" # The latest version tags in the Git repository are `0.31` (2019-06-12) and # `0.30` (2015-04-02) but there are older versions like `1.27` (2010-08-25) # and `1.26` (2010-08-25). These two older 1.x releases are wrongly treated # as newer but the GitLab project doesn't do releases, so we can only # reference the tags. We work around this by restricting matching to 0.x # releases for now. If the major version reaches 1.x in the future, this # check will also need to be updated. livecheck do url :head regex(/^v?(0(?:\.\d+)+)$/i) end bottle do sha256 ventura: "996598c6c8145f0a45dac7109aa3cb39b5854396b58c3b7ab75c784844160877" sha256 monterey: "a691470666ee0f15af22265be65eda2757fabd8f6fbc5fa8341f8c3059749d34" sha256 big_sur: "487fc70071a54c09cccdbba0284db23c156983b76416a4b4c03f44130531213c" sha256 catalina: "a2c1673fbed3d331e725694196acf9ea4cd6bc6df3b86568af3e67ee90d70b30" sha256 mojave: "d048d5c58fd1fc3b17c44103b3bbddd445a657415c215916587d9eb8e7f9c2da" sha256 high_sierra: "c0569e08915adc912bdc3fb149d0d3c50e7a2d941fff8b2d951b22fcfaf4539f" sha256 sierra: "b00c959878aaead39f9106ef199d7082b4e1a62ef6957f11796a99650678c9b2" sha256 x86_64_linux: "31105eaa4a4800c562060caa8fa7c241b946c8dca2e92f0b2e101c34830787e8" end head do url "", branch: "master" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build end uses_from_macos "bison" => :build uses_from_macos "flex" => :build def install if build.head? cd "buildaux" do system "./" end end system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" (etc/"intercal").install Dir["etc/*"] pkgshare.install "pit" end test do (testpath/"lib").mkpath (testpath/"test").mkpath cp pkgshare/"pit/beer.i", "test" cd "test" do system bin/"ick", "beer.i" system "./beer" end end end