require 'formula' class Lua < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'd0870f2de55d59c1c8419f36e8fac150' # Skip cleaning both empty folders and bin/libs so external symbols still work. skip_clean :all def install fails_with_llvm "Lua itself compiles with llvm, but may fail when other software trys to link." # Apply patch-level 2 curl "", "-O" safe_system '/usr/bin/patch', '-d', 'src', '-i', '../patch-lua-5.1.4-3' # we could use the patches method if it supported additional arguments (-d in our case) # Use our CC/CFLAGS to compile. inreplace 'src/Makefile' do |s| s.remove_make_var! 'CC' s.change_make_var! 'CFLAGS', "#{ENV.cflags} $(MYCFLAGS)" end # Fix path in the config header inreplace 'src/luaconf.h', '/usr/local', HOMEBREW_PREFIX # Fix paths in the .pc inreplace 'etc/lua.pc' do |s| s.gsub! "prefix= /usr/local", "prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" s.gsub! "INSTALL_MAN= ${prefix}/man/man1", "INSTALL_MAN= ${prefix}/share/man/man1" end system "make", "macosx", "INSTALL_TOP=#{prefix}", "INSTALL_MAN=#{man1}" system "make", "install", "INSTALL_TOP=#{prefix}", "INSTALL_MAN=#{man1}" (lib+"pkgconfig").install 'etc/lua.pc' end end