class Ntfs3g < Formula desc "Read-write NTFS driver for FUSE" homepage "" url "" sha256 "55b883aa05d94b2ec746ef3966cb41e66bed6db99f22ddd41d1b8b94bb202efb" license all_of: ["GPL-2.0-or-later", "LGPL-2.0-or-later"] livecheck do url :head strategy :github_latest end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "4ec7322145e67988020b06ac47004aadc9cc1ffdfea213d82b787ebbb44bfaef" end head do url "", branch: "edge" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libgcrypt" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "coreutils" => :test depends_on "gettext" on_macos do disable! date: "2021-04-08", because: "requires closed-source macFUSE" end on_linux do depends_on "libfuse@2" end def install ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-lintl" if OS.mac? args = std_configure_args + %W[ --exec-prefix=#{prefix} --mandir=#{man} --with-fuse=external --enable-extras --disable-ldconfig ] system "./" if build.head? # Workaround for hardcoded /sbin inreplace Dir["{ntfsprogs,src}/"], "$(DESTDIR)/sbin/", "$(DESTDIR)#{sbin}/" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" # Install a script that can be used to enable automount"#{sbin}/mount_ntfs", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0755) do |f| f.puts <<~EOS #!/bin/bash VOLUME_NAME="${@:$#}" VOLUME_NAME=${VOLUME_NAME#/Volumes/} USER_ID=#{Process.uid} GROUP_ID=#{Process.gid} if [ "$(/usr/bin/stat -f %u /dev/console)" -ne 0 ]; then USER_ID=$(/usr/bin/stat -f %u /dev/console) GROUP_ID=$(/usr/bin/stat -f %g /dev/console) fi #{opt_bin}/ntfs-3g \\ -o volname="${VOLUME_NAME}" \\ -o local \\ -o negative_vncache \\ -o auto_xattr \\ -o auto_cache \\ -o noatime \\ -o windows_names \\ -o streams_interface=openxattr \\ -o inherit \\ -o uid="$USER_ID" \\ -o gid="$GROUP_ID" \\ -o allow_other \\ -o big_writes \\ "$@" >> /var/log/mount-ntfs-3g.log 2>&1 exit $?; EOS end end def caveats on_macos do <<~EOS The reasons for disabling this formula can be found here: An external tap may provide a replacement formula. See: EOS end end test do # create a small raw image, format and check it ntfs_raw = testpath/"ntfs.raw" system Formula["coreutils"].libexec/"gnubin/truncate", "--size=10M", ntfs_raw ntfs_label_input = "Homebrew" system sbin/"mkntfs", "--force", "--fast", "--label", ntfs_label_input, ntfs_raw system bin/"ntfsfix", "--no-action", ntfs_raw ntfs_label_output = shell_output("#{sbin}/ntfslabel #{ntfs_raw}") assert_match ntfs_label_input, ntfs_label_output end end