class Bind < Formula desc "Implementation of the DNS protocols" homepage "" # BIND releases with even minor version numbers (9.14.x, 9.16.x, etc) are # stable. Odd-numbered minor versions are for testing, and can be unstable # or buggy. They are not suitable for general deployment. We have to use # "version_scheme" because someone upgraded to 9.15.0, and required a # downgrade. url "" sha256 "65da5fd4fb80b7d0d7452876f81fd6d67cdcee54a5e3c1d65610334665dfa815" license "MPL-2.0" version_scheme 1 head "", branch: "main" # BIND indicates stable releases with an even-numbered minor (e.g., x.2.x) # and the regex below only matches these versions. livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?bind[._-]v?(\d+\.\d*[02468](?:\.\d+)*)\.t/i) end bottle do sha256 arm64_big_sur: "0e6cecbb71ddcb001ca4d7834f5c871fe0a2f66cd8bd308b786fca571dfed0ea" sha256 big_sur: "371d94feb300866304505caf0bf343a3dee0b7952a7b57055634a611c5c39cd0" sha256 catalina: "3cfd01171bb2bee9e99324c8d80a8a3b0a41383df106fc56598b28a786cd2b73" sha256 mojave: "342673b8dfaa2940d44e6d359035625cb674bd3021b171b79b204cd78215de1f" sha256 x86_64_linux: "15f21773cdbb8a17e7efa8eaf2e5802762b8128e121f4dabed79487175f56d70" end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "json-c" depends_on "libidn2" depends_on "libuv" depends_on "openssl@1.1" depends_on "python@3.9" resource "ply" do url "" sha256 "00c7c1aaa88358b9c765b6d3000c6eec0ba42abca5351b095321aef446081da3" end def install xy = Language::Python.major_minor_version Formula["python@3.9"].opt_bin/"python3" vendor_site_packages = libexec/"vendor/lib/python#{xy}/site-packages" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", vendor_site_packages resources.each do |r| r.stage do system Formula["python@3.9"].opt_bin/"python3", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(libexec/"vendor") end end # Fix "configure: error: xml2-config returns badness" ENV["SDKROOT"] = MacOS.sdk_path if MacOS.version <= :sierra args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{pkgetc}", "--with-json-c", "--with-openssl=#{Formula["openssl@1.1"].opt_prefix}", "--with-libjson=#{Formula["json-c"].opt_prefix}", "--with-python-install-dir=#{vendor_site_packages}", "--with-python=#{Formula["python@3.9"].opt_bin}/python3", "--without-lmdb", "--with-libidn2=#{Formula["libidn2"].opt_prefix}", ] args << "--disable-linux-caps" if OS.linux? system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" (buildpath/"named.conf").write named_conf system "#{sbin}/rndc-confgen", "-a", "-c", "#{buildpath}/rndc.key" pkgetc.install "named.conf", "rndc.key" end def post_install (var/"log/named").mkpath (var/"named").mkpath end def named_conf <<~EOS logging { category default { _default_log; }; channel _default_log { file "#{var}/log/named/named.log" versions 10 size 1m; severity info; print-time yes; }; }; options { directory "#{var}/named"; }; EOS end plist_options startup: true service do run [opt_sbin/"named", "-f", "-L", var/"log/named/named.log"] end test do system bin/"dig", "-v" system bin/"dig", "" system bin/"dig", "ΓΌ.cl" end end