require 'formula' class Fuseki < Formula homepage '' url '' version '1.0.1' sha1 '556d3bbe0dbac67ea1335c1933576492ecc9213f' def install # Remove windows files rm_f 'fuseki-server.bat' # Remove init.d script to avoid confusion rm 'fuseki' # Write the installation path into the wrapper shell script inreplace 'fuseki-server' do |s| s.gsub! /export FUSEKI_HOME=.+/, %'export FUSEKI_HOME="#{libexec}"' end # Install and symlink wrapper binaries into place libexec.install 'fuseki-server' bins = ['s-delete', 's-get', 's-head', 's-post', 's-put', 's-query', 's-update', 's-update-form'] chmod 0755, bins libexec.install bins bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/*"] # Non-symlinked binaries and application files libexec.install 'fuseki-server.jar', 'pages' etc.install 'config.ttl' => 'fuseki.ttl' # Create a location for dataset and log files, # in case we're being used in LaunchAgent mode (var/'fuseki').mkpath (var/'log/fuseki').mkpath # Install example configs prefix.install 'config-examples.ttl', 'config-inf-tdb.ttl', 'config-tdb-text.ttl', 'config-tdb.ttl' # Install example data prefix.install 'Data' # Install documentation prefix.install 'DEPENDENCIES', 'LICENSE', 'NOTICE', 'ReleaseNotes.txt' end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Quick-start guide: * See the Fuseki documentation for instructions on using an in-memory database: * Running from the LaunchAgent is different the standard configuration and uses traditional Unix paths: please inspect the settings here first: #{etc}/fuseki.ttl * NOTE: Fuseki uses 1) log4j.configuration if defined, 2) '' file if exists, or built-in configuration. See also: EOS end def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} RunAtLoad KeepAlive ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/fuseki-server --config /usr/local/etc/fuseki.ttl WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} EOS end test do system "#{bin}/fuseki-server", '--version' end end