require 'formula' class Go < Formula if ARGV.include? "--use-git" url '', :tag => 'release.r60.3' head '' else url '', :revision => 'release.r60.3' head '' end version 'r60.3' homepage '' skip_clean 'bin' def options [["--use-git", "Use git mirror instead of official hg repository"]] end def install prefix.install %w[src include test doc misc lib favicon.ico AUTHORS] Dir.chdir prefix mkdir %w[pkg bin]'VERSION', 'w') {|f| f.write('release.r60.3 9516') } Dir.chdir 'src' do # Tests take a very long time to run. Build only system "./make.bash" end # Don't need the src folder, but do keep the Makefiles as Go projects use these Dir['src/*'].each{|f| rm_rf f unless f.match(/^src\/(pkg|Make)/) } rm_rf %w[include test] end end