require 'formula' class OpenMpi < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '8b81eea712bb8f8120468003b5f29baecedf2367' # Reported upstream at version 1.6 here: # fails_with :clang do build 318 cause 'fails make check' end def options [ ['--disable-fortran', 'Do not build the Fortran bindings'], ['--test', 'Verify the build with make check'] ] end def install args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-ipv6 ] if ARGV.include? '--disable-fortran' args << '--disable-mpi-f77' << '--disable-mpi-f90' else ENV.fortran end system './configure', *args system 'make all' system 'make check' if ARGV.include? '--test' system 'make install' # If Fortran bindings were built, there will be a stray `.mod` file # (Fortran header) in `lib` that needs to be moved to `include`. mv "#{lib}/mpi.mod", include if File.exists? "#{lib}/mpi.mod" mv "#{bin}/vtsetup.jar", libexec (bin+'vtsetup.jar').write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash java -jar "#{libexec}/vtsetup.jar" "$@" EOS end end