require 'formula' class Yaws < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '36295e40bb4db1812901c31d41152f942a63b5cc' option "without-yapp", "Omit yaws applications" option '32-bit' depends_on 'erlang' # the default config expects these folders to exist skip_clean 'var/log/yaws' skip_clean 'lib/yaws/examples/ebin' skip_clean 'lib/yaws/examples/include' def install if build.build_32_bit? %w{ CFLAGS LDFLAGS }.each do |compiler_flag| ENV.remove compiler_flag, "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_64_bit}" ENV.append compiler_flag, "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit}" end end cd 'yaws' do system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make install" unless build.include? 'without-yapp' cd 'applications/yapp' do system "make" system "make install" end end end # the default config expects these folders to exist (var/'log/yaws').mkpath (lib/'yaws/examples/ebin').mkpath (lib/'yaws/examples/include').mkpath end end