require 'formula' class Audiofile < Formula url '' sha1 'fb55a3c9153475daa8932d3626797e033d149c1d' homepage '' depends_on 'lcov' if ARGV.include? '--with-lcov' def options [ ['--with-lcov', 'Enable Code Coverage support using lcov.'], ['--with-check', 'Run the test suite during install ~30sec'] ] end def install args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-dependency-tracking"] args << '--enable-coverage' if ARGV.include? '--with-lcov' system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make check" if ARGV.include? '--with-check' system "make install" end def test inn = '/System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff' out = 'Glass.wav' hear_bin = '/usr/bin/qlmanage' conv_bin = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/sfconvert" info_bin = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/sfinfo" unless File.exist?(conv_bin) and File.exist?(inn) and File.exist?(hear_bin) and File.exist?(info_bin) opoo <<-EOS.undent The test program couldn't locate one of these files that normally exist: #{inn} #{conv_bin} #{info_bin} #{hear_bin} We are sorry for the mistake. Another test you can run on this software will occur during install if you add --with-check like this: EOS oh1 ' brew rm audiofile' oh1 ' brew -v install audiofile --with-check' return end mktemp do system "#{conv_bin} #{inn} #{out} format wave" system "#{info_bin} --short --reporterror #{out}" system "#{hear_bin} -p #{out}" if ARGV.verbose? puts oh1 <<-EOS.undent Cheers mate. You converted a system sound from the Audio Interchange File Format \"aiff\" to the MS RIFF Wave format. EOS end end end