class XorgServer < Formula desc "X Window System display server" homepage "" url "" sha256 "1eb86ed674d042b6c8b1f9135e59395cbbca35ed551b122f73a7d8bb3bb22484" license all_of: ["MIT", "APSL-2.0"] bottle do sha256 arm64_ventura: "d9e8763f9c626e33fdd588560292b9b40808b700b0626a1447ed8221e84be118" sha256 arm64_monterey: "08ff802a6846e14b45b161fc90561b430b9196627589638b667d42c94fc2c44d" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "ac1815046be1cbdb3de0ec6ff255d42ff367b70b16c2e83a912af6e8e34987b0" sha256 ventura: "db951b6b598f1f06c399ab099d02a2f4a10fdda3f77fe42cc1178c9bf772d890" sha256 monterey: "7f53b65000508cb7074ab7be0b9298a8cb8643a01226931fb902ea1fa0f10d53" sha256 big_sur: "b024b869d7d7b1f9f7c23cf4036488fea44c18484549cfad77e59847c6714abe" sha256 x86_64_linux: "18d0f486f0c19d60bc2760be2cc3eaa7dff4745acc1577a89b12aec1d68f3b1c" end depends_on "font-util" => :build depends_on "libxkbfile" => :build depends_on "meson" => :build depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "util-macros" => :build depends_on "xorgproto" => :build depends_on "xtrans" => :build depends_on "libxfixes" depends_on "libxfont2" depends_on "mesa" depends_on "pixman" depends_on "xauth" depends_on "xcb-util" depends_on "xcb-util-image" depends_on "xcb-util-keysyms" depends_on "xcb-util-renderutil" depends_on "xcb-util-wm" depends_on "xkbcomp" depends_on "xkeyboardconfig" on_macos do depends_on "libapplewm" end on_linux do depends_on "dbus" depends_on "libdrm" depends_on "libepoxy" depends_on "libxcvt" depends_on "libxshmfence" depends_on "nettle" depends_on "systemd" resource "xvfb-run" do url "" sha256 "fd05e0f8e6207c3984b980a0f037381c9c4a6f22a6dd94fdcfa995318db2a0a4" end resource "xvfb-run.1" do url "" sha256 "08f14f55e14e52e5d98713c4d8f25ae68d67e2ee188dc0247770c6ada6e27c05" end end def install # ChangeLog contains some non relocatable strings rm "ChangeLog" meson_args = std_meson_args.reject { |s| s["prefix"] } + %W[ -Dxephyr=true -Dxf86bigfont=true -Dxcsecurity=true -Dbundle-id-prefix=#{Formula["xinit"].plist_name.chomp ".startx"} -Dbuilder_addr=#{tap.remote} -Dbuilder_string=#{} ] # macOS doesn't provide `authdes_cred` so `secure-rpc=false` # glamor needs GLX with `libepoxy` on macOS if OS.mac? meson_args += %w[ -Dsecure-rpc=false -Dapple-applications-dir=libexec ] end # need startx etc. in the same directory destdir = buildpath/"dest" system "meson", "build", *meson_args system "meson", "compile", "-C", "build" system "meson", "install", "-C", "build", "--destdir", destdir prefix.install Dir["#{destdir}#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/*"] # follow bin.install_symlink bin/"Xquartz" => "X" if OS.mac? if OS.linux? bin.install resource("xvfb-run") man1.install resource("xvfb-run.1") end end def caveats <<~EOS To launch X server, it is recommend to install xinit, especially on macOS, otherwise will not work: brew install xinit If cask xquartz is installed, this link may be helpful: EOS end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include #include int main(void) { xcb_connection_t *connection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL); int has_err = xcb_connection_has_error(connection); assert(has_err == 0); xcb_disconnect(connection); return 0; } EOS xcb = Formula["libxcb"] system, "./test.c", "-o", "test", "-I#{xcb.include}", "-L#{xcb.lib}", "-lxcb" fork do exec bin/"Xvfb", ":1" end ENV["DISPLAY"] = ":1" sleep 10 system "./test" system bin/"xvfb-run", "./test" if OS.linux? end end