class Camlp5TransitionalModeRequirement < Requirement fatal true satisfy(:build_env => false) { !Tab.for_name("camlp5").with?("strict") } def message; <<-EOS.undent camlp5 must be compiled in transitional mode (instead of --strict mode): brew install camlp5 EOS end end class Coq < Formula desc "Proof assistant for higher-order logic" homepage "" url "" version "8.5pl2" sha256 "83239d1251bf6c54a9ca5045d738e469019b93ca601756bf982aab0654e4de73" head "git://", :branch => "trunk" bottle do sha256 "774e14c3f3755fe94d20fc3c410b54239f3365b1e3961ec7a3066e59c87a3666" => :sierra sha256 "6bca59c08a4ec3b0633621332d9e66eb252c652d3efbce51f039ff8e6b7fe28f" => :el_capitan sha256 "a61a407c55cde0cd9a68e2995af1af227b5dfc66060438254b3f4d76baa4dc1d" => :yosemite sha256 "12444450f927ce6ebe0ff4dbbde42530edc57ee2e3a1baa5748cd987bf9750d8" => :mavericks end depends_on Camlp5TransitionalModeRequirement depends_on "camlp5" depends_on "ocaml" def install camlp5_lib = Formula["camlp5"].opt_lib/"ocaml/camlp5" system "./configure", "-prefix", prefix, "-mandir", man, "-camlp5dir", camlp5_lib, "-emacslib", elisp, "-coqdocdir", "#{pkgshare}/latex", "-coqide", "no", "-with-doc", "no" system "make", "world" ENV.deparallelize { system "make", "install" } end test do (testpath/"testing.v").write <<-EOS.undent Inductive nat : Set := | O : nat | S : nat -> nat. Fixpoint add (n m: nat) : nat := match n with | O => m | S n' => S (add n' m) end. Lemma add_O_r : forall (n: nat), add n O = n. intros n; induction n; simpl; auto; rewrite IHn; auto. Qed. EOS system("#{bin}/coqc", "#{testpath}/testing.v") end end