require 'formula' class Freeling < Formula homepage '' url '' version '3.0' sha1 'd05242e398f60d9720f9bbde2743ea469b1531d1' depends_on 'icu4c' # requires boost --with-icu. # At the moment I think that we can not force build options depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'libtool' => :build def install opoo 'Requires boost with icu support.' opoo 'If the installation fails, remove boost and do a \'brew install boost --with-icu\'' icu4c_prefix = Formula.factory('icu4c').prefix libtool_prefix = Formula.factory('libtool').prefix ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{libtool_prefix}/lib" ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{icu4c_prefix}/lib" ENV.append 'CPPFLAGS', "-I#{libtool_prefix}/include" ENV.append 'CPPFLAGS', "-I#{icu4c_prefix}/include" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make install" end def test system "echo 'Hello world' | #{bin}/analyze -f #{share}/freeling/config/en.cfg | grep -c 'world world NN 1'" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This fomula requires that boost formula gets built with '--with-icu' option. If not, link will fail. If in doubt, try uninstalling boost (brew uninstall boost) and installint with ICU support (brew install --with-icu boost). For that you will also need icu4c installed (brew install icu4c). EOS end end