class Apgdiff < Formula desc "Another PostgreSQL diff tool" homepage "" url "" sha256 "12d95fbb0b8188d7f90e7aaf8bdd29d0eecac26e08d6323624b5b7e3f7c7a3f7" head do url "" depends_on "ant" => :build end bottle :unneeded def install jar = "apgdiff-#{version}.jar" if build.head? system "ant" cd "dist" do jar = Dir["apgdiff-*.jar"].first mv jar, ".." end end libexec.install jar bin.write_jar_script libexec/jar, "apgdiff" end test do sql_orig = testpath/"orig.sql" sql_new = testpath/"new.sql" sql_orig.write <<~EOS SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; CREATE TABLE testtable (field1 integer); ALTER TABLE public.testtable OWNER TO fordfrog; EOS sql_new.write <<~EOS SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; CREATE TABLE testtable (field1 integer, field2 boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL); ALTER TABLE public.testtable OWNER TO fordfrog; EOS expected = <<~EOS.strip ALTER TABLE testtable \tADD COLUMN field2 boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL; EOS result = pipe_output("#{bin}/apgdiff #{sql_orig} #{sql_new}").strip assert_equal result, expected end end