class Solr < Formula desc "Enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "74630a06d45eb44c0afe2bfb6e2cd80c9d8d92aa0c48a563e39c32996a76c8b0" bottle :unneeded depends_on :java skip_clean "example/logs" def install libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install "#{libexec}/bin/solr" bin.install "#{libexec}/bin/post" bin.install "#{libexec}/bin/" share.install "#{libexec}/bin/" prefix.install "#{libexec}/example" prefix.install "#{libexec}/server" # Fix the classpath for the post tool inreplace "#{bin}/post", '"$SOLR_TIP/dist"', "#{libexec}/dist" # Fix the paths in the sample solrconfig.xml files Dir.glob(["#{prefix}/example/**/solrconfig.xml", "#{prefix}/**/data_driven_schema_configs/**/solrconfig.xml", "#{prefix}/**/sample_techproducts_configs/**/solrconfig.xml"]) do |f| inreplace f, ":../../../..}/", "}/libexec/" end end plist_options :manual => "solr start" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/solr start -f ServiceDescription #{name} WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} RunAtLoad EOS end test do system bin/"solr" end end