class Jbigkit < Formula desc "JBIG1 data compression standard implementation" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "de7106b6bfaf495d6865c7dd7ac6ca1381bd12e0d81405ea81e7f2167263d932" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "bdec08cd92dd59183b698c6bbd9072881fdfce64b4ecb6182e405e0f2ad26c00" => :el_capitan sha256 "764396342e87b84253aa06f5046f90c778cacca998ce970900cb2fdf1cfdc3fa" => :yosemite sha256 "0ce925915b984307d2e679622138143c5cc5baf832b0a16003fa1e6111a5df9f" => :mavericks sha256 "0afb6297101bc3269f0ebca1590cda66a62cbd90e3fdbec38dc011131711d32b" => :mountain_lion end head "", :using => :git option :universal option "with-test", "Verify the library during install" deprecated_option "with-check" => "with-test" def install # Set for a universal build and patch the Makefile. # There's no configure. It creates a static lib. ENV.universal_binary if build.universal? system "make", "CC=#{}", "CCFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags}" if build.with? "test" # It needs j1 to make the tests happen in sequence. ENV.deparallelize system "make", "test" end cd "pbmtools" do bin.install %w[pbmtojbg jbgtopbm pbmtojbg85 jbgtopbm85] man1.install %w[pbmtojbg.1 jbgtopbm.1] man5.install %w[pbm.5 pgm.5] end cd "libjbig" do lib.install Dir["lib*.a"] (prefix/"src").install Dir["j*.c", "j*.txt"] include.install Dir["j*.h"] end (share/"jbigkit").install "examples", "contrib" end test do system "#{bin}/jbgtopbm #{share}/jbigkit/examples/ccitt7.jbg | #{bin}/pbmtojbg - testoutput.jbg" system "/usr/bin/cmp", share/"jbigkit/examples/ccitt7.jbg", "testoutput.jbg" end end