require 'formula' class X264 < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '4be913fb12cd5b3628edc68dedb4b6e664eeda0a' version 'r2197.4' # brew install -v --HEAD x264 will display the version. head '', :branch => 'stable' depends_on 'yasm' => :build option '10-bit', 'Build a 10-bit x264 (default: 8-bit)' def install if build.head? ENV['GIT_DIR'] = cached_download/'.git' system './' end args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-shared"] args << "--bit-depth=10" if build.include? '10-bit' system "./configure", *args if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? inreplace 'config.mak' do |s| soflags = s.get_make_var 'SOFLAGS' s.change_make_var! 'SOFLAGS', soflags.gsub(' -Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress', '') end end system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Because x264 installs its library with a version number that changes, any of these that you have installed should be reinstalled each time you upgrade x264. avidemux, ffmbc, ffmpeg, gst-plugins-ugly EOS end end