require 'formula' require 'ostruct' class ProofGeneral < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'c8d2e4457478b9dbf4080d3cf8255325fcffe619' option 'with-doc', 'Install HTML documentation' option 'with-emacs=', 'Re-compile lisp files with specified emacs' def which_emacs emacs_binary = ARGV.value('with-emacs') if emacs_binary.nil? return :binary => "", :major => 0, :empty? => true) end raise "#{emacs_binary} not found" if not File.exists? "#{emacs_binary}" version_info = `#{emacs_binary} --version` version_info =~ /GNU Emacs (\d+)\./ major = $1 if major != '23' && major != '24' raise "Emacs 23.x or 24.x is required; #{major}.x provided." end return :binary => emacs_binary, :major => major, :empty? => false) end def install ENV.j1 # Otherwise lisp compilation can result in 0-byte files emacs = which_emacs args = ["PREFIX=#{prefix}", "DEST_PREFIX=#{prefix}", "ELISPP=share/emacs/site-lisp/ProofGeneral", "ELISP_START=#{share}/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d", "EMACS=#{emacs.binary}"]; Dir.chdir "ProofGeneral" do unless emacs.empty? # if emacs.major == "24" inreplace 'Makefile', '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t)', '' end system "make clean" system "make", "compile", *args end system "make", "install", *args man1.install "doc/proofgeneral.1" info.install "doc/", "doc/" doc.install "doc/ProofGeneral", "doc/PG-adapting" if build.include? 'with-doc' end end def caveats doc = "" if build.include? 'with-doc' doc += <<-EOS.undent HTML documentation is available in: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/proof-general EOS end <<-EOS.undent To use ProofGeneral with Emacs, add the following line to your ~/.emacs file: (load-file "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp/ProofGeneral/generic/proof-site.el") #{doc} EOS end end