class GitGui < Formula desc "Tcl/Tk UI for the git revision control system" homepage "" # NOTE: Please keep these values in sync with git.rb when updating. url "" sha256 "9f61417a44d5b954a5012b6f34e526a3336dcf5dd720e2bb7ada92ad8b3d6680" license "GPL-2.0-only" head "" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "f6941b6984b73e4f89c9635a6113a0401461821febd431116dd06cf4971ec469" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "430d3e73a3d07bb170c1bd3eb3db3a5cbb283e1fd72671e9607f00cce23982eb" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "603bf37ef37e46f4ec88855d44bd61a227299638dda5690c367b55c733ba3cf7" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, mojave: "59df29678a0fa2c9546ee91ec1c8d4061ad3ae7436ecb4beef92fecd6c62de41" end depends_on "tcl-tk" # Patch to fix Homebrew/homebrew-core#68798. # Remove when the following PR has been merged # and included in a release: # patch do url "" sha256 "0c7816ee9c8ddd7aa38aa29541c9138997650713bce67bdef501b1de0b50f539" end def install # build verbosely ENV["V"] = "1" # By setting TKFRAMEWORK to a non-existent directory we ensure that # the git makefiles don't install a .app for git-gui # We also tell git to use the homebrew-installed wish binary from tcl-tk. # See tcl_bin = Formula["tcl-tk"].opt_bin args = %W[ TKFRAMEWORK=/dev/null prefix=#{prefix} gitexecdir=#{bin} sysconfdir=#{etc} CC=#{} CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags} LDFLAGS=#{ENV.ldflags} TCL_PATH=#{tcl_bin}/tclsh TCLTK_PATH=#{tcl_bin}/wish ] system "make", "-C", "git-gui", "install", *args system "make", "-C", "gitk-git", "install", *args end test do system bin/"git-gui", "--version" end end