class Samba < Formula # Samba can be used to share directories with the guest in QEMU user-mode # (SLIRP) networking with the `-net nic -net user,smb=/share/this/with/guest` # option. The shared folder appears in the guest as "\\\qemu". desc "SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for UNIX" homepage "" url "" sha256 "c0512079db4cac707ccea4c18aebbd6b2eb3acf6e90735e7f645a326be1f4537" license "GPL-3.0-or-later" livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?samba[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) end bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 arm64_ventura: "051b24e4afef1632447fed0407decbc44efc12f4cf6d8144231666c42c4faa25" sha256 arm64_monterey: "c6e18e3f22acea130e83f11eebd51d85b7b594a9d371891257b0a130bbfe31ff" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "a9ba7054523b3b13fc6aeb0444a9a816e43cc8c7e1eacbe516d3e2cbd189673c" sha256 ventura: "6111c8adac57188bb113b552e73290f2e6c222cb055bdbd93400a1f14f595847" sha256 monterey: "4a2fce95e7847202c650b426aa9b8dc76878955032bbb6782c0c23c67d583de4" sha256 big_sur: "c42ecd9a4092379993fca623ce6f8632745c39819075f8488d25735bd5972da9" sha256 x86_64_linux: "0a9271342edc28f7cc7531b8297808fc9f52bc21c246c7bf38c3ef398dfe2839" end depends_on "cmocka" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build # configure requires python3 binary to be present, even when --disable-python is set. depends_on "python@3.11" => :build depends_on "gnutls" # icu4c can get linked if detected by pkg-config and there isn't a way to force disable # without disabling spotlight support. So we just enable the feature for all systems. depends_on "icu4c" depends_on "krb5" depends_on "libtasn1" depends_on "popt" depends_on "readline" depends_on "talloc" uses_from_macos "bison" => :build uses_from_macos "flex" => :build uses_from_macos "perl" => :build uses_from_macos "libxcrypt" uses_from_macos "zlib" on_macos do depends_on "openssl@1.1" end on_linux do depends_on "libtirpc" end resource "Parse::Yapp" do url "" sha256 "3810e998308fba2e0f4f26043035032b027ce51ce5c8a52a8b8e340ca65f13e5" end def install # avoid `perl module "Parse::Yapp::Driver" not found` error on macOS 10.xx (not required on 11) if MacOS.version < :big_sur ENV.prepend_create_path "PERL5LIB", buildpath/"lib/perl5" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", buildpath/"bin" resource("Parse::Yapp").stage do system "perl", "Makefile.PL", "INSTALL_BASE=#{buildpath}" system "make" system "make", "install" end end ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-rpath,#{lib}/private" if OS.linux? system "./configure", "--bundled-libraries=NONE,ldb,tdb,tevent", "--disable-cephfs", "--disable-cups", "--disable-iprint", "--disable-glusterfs", "--disable-python", "--without-acl-support", "--without-ad-dc", "--without-ads", "--without-ldap", "--without-libarchive", "--without-json", "--without-pam", "--without-regedit", "--without-syslog", "--without-utmp", "--without-winbind", "--with-shared-modules=!vfs_snapper", "--with-system-mitkrb5", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--localstatedir=#{var}" system "make" system "make", "install" if OS.mac? # macOS has its own SMB daemon as /usr/sbin/smbd, so rename our smbd to samba-dot-org-smbd to avoid conflict. # samba-dot-org-smbd is used by qemu.rb . # Rename profiles as well to avoid conflicting with /usr/bin/profiles mv sbin/"smbd", sbin/"samba-dot-org-smbd" mv bin/"profiles", bin/"samba-dot-org-profiles" end end def caveats on_macos do <<~EOS To avoid conflicting with macOS system binaries, some files were installed with non-standard name: - smbd: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/sbin/samba-dot-org-smbd - profiles: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/samba-dot-org-profiles EOS end end test do smbd = if OS.mac? "#{sbin}/samba-dot-org-smbd" else "#{sbin}/smbd" end system smbd, "--build-options", "--configfile=/dev/null" system smbd, "--version" mkdir_p "samba/state" mkdir_p "samba/data" (testpath/"samba/data/hello").write "hello" # mimic smb.conf generated by qemu # (testpath/"smb.conf").write <<~EOS [global] private dir=#{testpath}/samba/state interfaces= bind interfaces only=yes pid directory=#{testpath}/samba/state lock directory=#{testpath}/samba/state state directory=#{testpath}/samba/state cache directory=#{testpath}/samba/state ncalrpc dir=#{testpath}/samba/state/ncalrpc log file=#{testpath}/samba/state/log.smbd smb passwd file=#{testpath}/samba/state/smbpasswd security = user map to guest = Bad User load printers = no printing = bsd disable spoolss = yes usershare max shares = 0 [test] path=#{testpath}/samba/data read only=no guest ok=yes force user=#{ENV["USER"]} EOS port = free_port spawn smbd, "--debug-stdout", "-F", "--configfile=smb.conf", "--port=#{port}", "--debuglevel=4", in: "/dev/null" sleep 5 mkdir_p "got" system "smbclient", "-p", port.to_s, "-N", "//", "-c", "get hello #{testpath}/got/hello" assert_equal "hello", (testpath/"got/hello").read end end