class Julia < Formula desc "Fast, Dynamic Programming Language" homepage "" # Use the `-full` tarball to avoid having to download during the build. # # TODO: Use system `suite-sparse` when `julia` supports v6. # Issue ref: url "" sha256 "52b6895a9d4ad2fe36db261ee8c4c8cc9212b837a12f93002faaf537a2151f50" license all_of: ["MIT", "BSD-3-Clause", "Apache-2.0", "BSL-1.0"] revision 1 head "", branch: "master" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "c90ce7101d2ab444eafc38fd473519a53dd474f6c9f23ed0d5e2b10405b09d20" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "73f6643266d96413fa71c2efc0c0c597dfd82e4dc4de9da7bdbca3ce72f29871" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "6dba3219907f42c74cd7badf26996edeaf6a77c3f3ff209a40bc35604a92e388" sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "de8125e742afd9119f12bd1d6d0066221ed2e57dc80f7ed56f322cbf8211037b" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "c06ed6071c0b7b7d88ceeb20cc843171e19825779c656ec536ded5d26c28ff97" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "5a759dac3854b7e8036c691914b2f874ec6d660a98064b20ab633b035f632fe8" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "3b875cffce265ca443eb2f3a0695e168530f7ee32717fad90500969f1c848cf1" end depends_on "cmake" => :build # Needed to build LLVM depends_on "ca-certificates" depends_on "curl" depends_on "gcc" # for gfortran depends_on "gmp" depends_on "libgit2" depends_on "libnghttp2" depends_on "libssh2" depends_on "mbedtls@2" depends_on "mpfr" depends_on "openblas" depends_on "openlibm" depends_on "p7zip" depends_on "pcre2" # TODO: depends_on "suite-sparse" depends_on "utf8proc" uses_from_macos "perl" => :build uses_from_macos "python" => :build uses_from_macos "zlib" on_linux do depends_on "patchelf" => :build end conflicts_with "juliaup", because: "both install `julia` binaries" fails_with gcc: "5" # Link against libgcc_s.1.1.dylib, not libgcc_s.1.dylib # patch do url "" sha256 "f12c11db53390145b4a9b1ea3b412019eee89c0d197eef6c78b0565bf7fd7aaf" end def install # Build documentation available at #{version}/doc/build/ args = %W[ VERBOSE=1 USE_BINARYBUILDER=0 prefix=#{prefix} sysconfdir=#{etc} USE_SYSTEM_CSL=1 USE_SYSTEM_PCRE=1 USE_SYSTEM_OPENLIBM=1 USE_SYSTEM_BLAS=1 USE_SYSTEM_LAPACK=1 USE_SYSTEM_GMP=1 USE_SYSTEM_MPFR=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBSUITESPARSE=0 USE_SYSTEM_UTF8PROC=1 USE_SYSTEM_MBEDTLS=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBSSH2=1 USE_SYSTEM_NGHTTP2=1 USE_SYSTEM_CURL=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBGIT2=1 USE_SYSTEM_PATCHELF=1 USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB=1 USE_SYSTEM_P7ZIP=1 LIBBLAS=-lopenblas LIBBLASNAME=libopenblas LIBLAPACK=-lopenblas LIBLAPACKNAME=libopenblas USE_BLAS64=0 PYTHON=python3 LOCALBASE=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} MACOSX_VERSION_MIN=#{MacOS.version} ] # Set MARCH and JULIA_CPU_TARGET to ensure Julia works on machines we distribute to. # Values adapted from args << "MARCH=#{Hardware.oldest_cpu}" if cpu_targets = ["generic"] cpu_targets += if Hardware::CPU.arm? %w[cortex-a57 thunderx2t99 armv8.2-a,crypto,fullfp16,lse,rdm] else %w[sandybridge,-xsaveopt,clone_all haswell,-rdrnd,base(1)] end args << "JULIA_CPU_TARGET=#{cpu_targets.join(";")}" if build.stable? args << "TAGGED_RELEASE_BANNER=Built by #{tap.user} (v#{pkg_version})" # Help Julia find keg-only dependencies do |libdir| ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-rpath,#{libdir}" end gcc = Formula["gcc"] gcclibdir = gcc.opt_lib/"gcc/current" if OS.mac? ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-rpath,#{gcclibdir}" # List these two last, since we want keg-only libraries to be found first ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-rpath,#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib" ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib" # Needed to find macOS zlib. else ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-rpath,#{lib}" ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-rpath,#{lib}/julia" end # Remove library versions from MbedTLS_jll, nghttp2_jll and others # %w[MbedTLS nghttp2 LibGit2 OpenLibm].each do |dep| (buildpath/"stdlib").glob("**/#{dep}_jll.jl") do |jll| inreplace jll, %r{@rpath/lib(\w+)(\.\d+)*\.dylib}, "@rpath/lib\\1.dylib" inreplace jll, /lib(\w+)\.so(\.\d+)*/, "lib\\" end end # Make Julia use a CA cert from `ca-certificates` (buildpath/"usr/share/julia").install_symlink Formula["ca-certificates"].pkgetc/"cert.pem" system "make", *args, "install" if OS.linux? # Replace symlinks referencing Cellar paths with ones using opt paths deps.reject(&:build?).map(&:to_formula).map(&:opt_lib).each do |libdir| libdir.glob(shared_library("*")) do |so| next unless (lib/"julia"/so.basename).exist? ln_sf so.relative_path_from(lib/"julia"), lib/"julia" end end end # Create copies of the necessary gcc libraries in `buildpath/"usr/lib"` system "make", "-C", "deps", "USE_SYSTEM_CSL=1", "install-csl" # Install gcc library symlinks where Julia expects them gcclibdir.glob(shared_library("*")) do |so| next unless (buildpath/"usr/lib"/so.basename).exist? # Use `ln_sf` instead of `install_symlink` to avoid referencing # gcc's full version and revision number in the symlink path ln_sf so.relative_path_from(lib/"julia"), lib/"julia" end # Some Julia packages look for libopenblas as libopenblas64_ (lib/"julia").install_symlink shared_library("libopenblas") => shared_library("libopenblas64_") # Keep Julia's CA cert in sync with ca-certificates' pkgshare.install_symlink Formula["ca-certificates"].pkgetc/"cert.pem" end test do args = %W[ --startup-file=no --history-file=no --project=#{testpath} --procs #{ENV.make_jobs} ] assert_equal "4", shell_output("#{bin}/julia #{args.join(" ")} --print '2 + 2'").chomp system bin/"julia", *args, "--eval", 'Base.runtests("core")' # Check that installing packages works. # system bin/"julia", *args, "--eval", 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Example")' # Check that Julia can load stdlibs that load non-Julia code. # Most of these also check that Julia can load Homebrew-provided libraries. jlls = %w[ MPFR_jll SuiteSparse_jll Zlib_jll OpenLibm_jll nghttp2_jll MbedTLS_jll LibGit2_jll GMP_jll OpenBLAS_jll CompilerSupportLibraries_jll dSFMT_jll LibUV_jll LibSSH2_jll LibCURL_jll libLLVM_jll PCRE2_jll ] system bin/"julia", *args, "--eval", "using #{jlls.join(", ")}" # Check that Julia can load libraries in lib/"julia". # Most of these are symlinks to Homebrew-provided libraries. # This also checks that these libraries can be loaded even when # the symlinks are broken (e.g. by version bumps). libs = (lib/"julia").glob(shared_library("*")) .map(&:basename) .map(&:to_s) .reject do |name| name.start_with?("sys", "libjulia-internal", "libccalltest") end (testpath/"library_test.jl").write <<~EOS using Libdl libraries = #{libs} for lib in libraries handle = dlopen(lib) @assert dlclose(handle) "Unable to close $(lib)!" end EOS system bin/"julia", *args, "library_test.jl" end end