class HapiFhirCli < Formula desc "Command-line interface for the HAPI FHIR library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "03f37563d1961a63190b84e0d70e62035ce2a3d542f1ca60b7eee7a851c0d36a" license "Apache-2.0" # The "latest" release on GitHub is sometimes for an older major/minor, so we # can't rely on it being the newest version. The formula's `stable` URL is a # release archive, so it's also not appropriate to check the Git tags here. # Instead we have to check tags of releases (omitting pre-release versions). livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=["']?[^"' >]*?/tag/v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)["' >]}i) strategy :page_match end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, all: "70f9768ccebd14d98ab10b357a130ecc4c1c8d3df88b91b8f2c417a8ad9d5388" end depends_on "openjdk" resource "homebrew-test_resource" do url "" sha256 "4eacf47eccec800ffd2ca23b704c70d71bc840aeb755912ffb8596562a0a0f5e" end def install inreplace "hapi-fhir-cli", /SCRIPTDIR=(.*)/, "SCRIPTDIR=#{libexec}" libexec.install "hapi-fhir-cli.jar" bin.install "hapi-fhir-cli" bin.env_script_all_files libexec/"bin", JAVA_HOME: Formula["openjdk"].opt_prefix end test do testpath.install resource("homebrew-test_resource") system bin/"hapi-fhir-cli", "validate", "--file", "specimen-example.json", "--fhir-version", "dstu3" end end