class Deployer < Formula desc "Deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks" homepage "" # Bump to php 8.2 on the next release, if possible. url "" sha256 "22210f41f784798e56a49182d2be4ffc8f122d166b06f51d9a5e82c453e70b27" license "MIT" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, all: "8d9fb3a36317a9b2d5d9bbb1bbba724661faf193dfe744114fb18fbf81e60cd2" end depends_on "php@8.1" conflicts_with "dep", because: "both install `dep` binaries" def install bin.install "deployer.phar" => "dep" bin.env_script_all_files libexec, PATH: "#{Formula["php@8.1"].opt_bin}:$PATH" chmod 0755, libexec/"dep" end test do system "#{bin}/dep", "init", "--no-interaction" assert_predicate testpath/"deploy.php", :exist? end end