class Atop < Formula desc "Advanced system and process monitor for Linux using process events" homepage "" url "" sha256 "7b8800757a491e962897cc16172a8f5afc7f7f35d80a36c137d2b637d9f8635d" license "GPL-2.0-or-later" head "", branch: "master" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "7c71e2895dadf8776c08590290c3a24e589a849dc96eba7e0a3539699d450915" end depends_on :linux depends_on "linux-headers@5.15" depends_on "ncurses" depends_on "zlib" def install if build.head? inreplace "version.h" do |s| s.sub!(/"$/, "-#{Utils.git_short_head}\"") end end # As this project does not use configrue, we have to configure manually: ENV["BINPATH"] = bin.to_s ENV["SBINPATH"] = bin.to_s ENV["MAN1PATH"] = man1.to_s ENV["MAN5PATH"] = man5.to_s ENV["MAN8PATH"] = man8.to_s ENV["DEFPATH"] = "prev" ENV["LOGPATH"] = "prev" # It would try to install some files suid, which is not good for users: inreplace "Makefile", "chmod", "true" # RPM and Debian packages do not use the Makefile for users, but it ensures we forget nothing: system "make", "-e", "genericinstall" end test do assert_match "Version:", shell_output("#{bin}/atop -V") system "#{bin}/atop", "1", "1" system "#{bin}/atop", "-w", "atop.raw", "1", "1" system "#{bin}/atop", "-r", "atop.raw", "-PCPU,DSK" end end