class Spack < Formula desc "Package manager that builds multiple versions and configurations of software" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8d893036b24d9ee0feee41ac33dd66e4fc68d392918f346f8a7a36a69c567567" license any_of: ["Apache-2.0", "MIT"] head "", branch: "develop" livecheck do url :stable strategy :github_latest end bottle :unneeded depends_on "python@3.9" def install cp_r Dir["bin", "etc", "lib", "share", "var"], prefix.to_s end def post_install mkdir_p prefix/"var/spack/junit-report" unless (prefix/"var/spack/junit-report").exist? end test do system "#{bin}/spack", "--version" assert_match "zlib", shell_output("#{bin}/spack list zlib") # Set up configuration file and build paths %w[opt modules lmod stage test source misc cfg-store].each { |dir| (testpath/dir).mkpath } (testpath/"cfg-store/config.yaml").write <<~EOS config: install_tree: #{testpath}/opt module_roots: tcl: #{testpath}/modules lmod: #{testpath}/lmod build_stage: - #{testpath}/stage test_stage: #{testpath}/test source_cache: #{testpath}/source misc_cache: #{testpath}/misc EOS # spack install using the config file system "#{bin}/spack", "-C", "#{testpath}/cfg-store", "install", "--no-cache", "zlib" # Get the path to one of the compiled library files zlib_prefix = shell_output("#{bin}/spack -ddd -C #{testpath}/cfg-store find --format={prefix} zlib").strip zlib_dylib_file = "#{zlib_prefix}/lib/libz.dylib" assert_predicate zlib_dylib_file, :exist? end end