class Mpd < Formula desc "Music Player Daemon" homepage "" url "" sha256 "2be149a4895c3cb613477f8cf1193593e3d8a1d38a75ffa7d32da8c8316a4d5e" license "GPL-2.0-or-later" revision 1 head "" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "17788f621266bae943e912f8ec02c09e4a82fee90b071868dbf47279012892c5" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "6ad7522c6793e94000346e9ebfeffb16be3cf5e7b6137d980727bfd0709f7335" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "ec2f59889ddd17efe2b15029ab61878798bd3fcd302229edf029891b08245b75" sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "d3aac34e250c84974268cae2fd7aeda94dba391768f5df9a246cc63899a0a002" end depends_on "boost" => :build depends_on "meson" => :build depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "expat" depends_on "faad2" depends_on "ffmpeg" depends_on "flac" depends_on "fluid-synth" depends_on "glib" depends_on "icu4c" depends_on "lame" depends_on "libao" depends_on "libgcrypt" depends_on "libid3tag" depends_on "libmpdclient" depends_on "libnfs" depends_on "libsamplerate" depends_on "libshout" depends_on "libupnp" depends_on "libvorbis" depends_on macos: :mojave # requires C++17 features unavailable in High Sierra depends_on "opus" depends_on "sqlite" def install # mpd specifies -std=gnu++0x, but clang appears to try to build # that against libstdc++ anyway, which won't work. # The build is fine with G++. ENV.libcxx args = std_meson_args + %W[ --sysconfdir=#{etc} -Dlibwrap=disabled -Dmad=disabled -Dmpcdec=disabled -Dsoundcloud=disabled -Dao=enabled -Dbzip2=enabled -Dexpat=enabled -Dffmpeg=enabled -Dfluidsynth=enabled -Dnfs=enabled -Dshout=enabled -Dupnp=enabled -Dvorbisenc=enabled ] system "meson", *args, "output/release", "." system "ninja", "-C", "output/release" ENV.deparallelize # Directories are created in parallel, so let's not do that system "ninja", "-C", "output/release", "install" (etc/"mpd").install "doc/mpdconf.example" => "mpd.conf" end def caveats <<~EOS MPD requires a config file to start. Please copy it from #{etc}/mpd/mpd.conf into one of these paths: - ~/.mpd/mpd.conf - ~/.mpdconf and tailor it to your needs. EOS end plist_options manual: "mpd" def plist <<~EOS Label #{plist_name} WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/mpd --no-daemon RunAtLoad KeepAlive ProcessType Interactive EOS end test do require "expect" port = free_port (testpath/"mpd.conf").write <<~EOS bind_to_address "" port "#{port}" EOS io = IO.popen("#{bin}/mpd --stdout --no-daemon #{testpath}/mpd.conf 2>&1", "r") io.expect("output: Successfully detected a osx audio device", 30) ohai "Connect to MPD command (localhost:#{port})""localhost", port) do |sock| assert_match "OK MPD", sock.gets ohai "Ping server" sock.puts("ping") assert_match "OK", sock.gets sock.close end end end