require 'formula' require 'find' class Avidemux < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '47205c236bf6a4435b9d4dd944493c7b7e2752f5' head '' option 'with-debug', 'Enable debug build.' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'yasm' => :build depends_on 'gettext' depends_on 'aften' depends_on 'mad' depends_on 'lame' depends_on 'faad2' depends_on 'faac' depends_on 'a52dec' depends_on 'libdca' depends_on 'libogg' depends_on 'libvpx' depends_on 'libvorbis' depends_on 'opencore-amr' depends_on 'xvid' depends_on 'x264' # Check if this still exists @ XCode-4.3.4 or 4.4.0. I think it's fixed then # by llvm in clang svn. So this will have to persist for older clang. fails_with :clang do build 318 cause "error in backend: Couldn't allocate input reg for constraint" end unless build.include? 'with-debug' def patches # Symbols undefined due to optimization. Fixed in head. Remove @ 2.5.7. DATA if Hardware.is_32_bit? and not build.head? end def install # Avidemux is coded to use the .svn or .git directory to find its revision, # but neither vcs copies those during clone from the cache to the stagedir. # Modify cmake/admMainChecks.cmake to look in the Homebrew cache. if build.head? then inreplace 'CMakeLists.txt', 'admGetRevision(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ADM_SUBVERSION)', "admGetRevision(\"#{cached_download}\" ADM_SUBVERSION)" end # Turn off CMake's builtin app packager for the CLI that we want loose. inreplace 'avidemux/CMakeLists.txt', 'avidemux2_cli MACOSX_BUNDLE', 'avidemux2_cli' # Use an identifier that is unique to this app following Apple style. inreplace 'avidemux/CMakeLists.txt', 'SET(MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER', 'SET(MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER org.avidemux.avidemux2)' # For 32-bit compilation under gcc 4.2, see: # if MacOS.leopard? or Hardware.is_32_bit? inreplace 'cmake/admFFmpegBuild.cmake', '${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX})', '${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} --extra-cflags=-mdynamic-no-pic)' end # Build the core. gettext = Formula.factory('gettext') mkdir 'corebuild' do args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=#{gettext.prefix} -DMAC_BUNDLE_DIR=#{prefix} -DGTK=OFF -DSDL=OFF ] if build.include? 'with-debug' then (ENV.compiler == :clang) ? ENV.Og : ENV.O2 ENV.deparallelize ENV.remove_from_cflags '-w' args << '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' args << '-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=true' args << '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3' if ENV.compiler != :clang args << '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3' if ENV.compiler != :clang end args << buildpath system "cmake", *args system "make" system "make install" # g++ links the core applications against unversioned dylibs # from an internal ffmpeg, even though CMake specifies versioned # dylibs. CMake then installs the versioned ffmpeg dylibs only. # This patch creates the missing symlinks for unversioned libs. # * The lib version numbers are either one or two digits. # * The version numbers change every couple of months. # * So this finds the file first, then makes a symlink. # * The result of this code is a command like this: # ln_sf lib+'libADM5avcodec.53.dylib', lib+'libADM5avcodec.dylib' ffpref = 'libADM5' ffsuff = '.dylib' %w{ avcodec avformat avutil postproc swscale }.each do |fflib| ffpat = ffpref+fflib+'.{?,??}'+ffsuff ffpat = lib+ffpat nonver = ffpref+fflib+ffsuff nonver = lib+nonver hasver = Dir[ffpat] ln_sf hasver.to_s, nonver.to_s end end mkdir 'plugbuild' do args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DGTK=OFF -DSDL=OFF -DESD=OFF -DJACK=OFF -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=#{gettext.prefix} -DMAC_BUNDLE_DIR=#{prefix} -DAVIDEMUX_LIB_DIR=#{lib} -DAVIDEMUX_SOURCE_DIR=#{buildpath} -DAVIDEMUX_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{prefix} -DAVIDEMUX_CORECONFIG_DIR=#{buildpath}/corebuild/config ] if build.include? 'with-debug' then args << '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' args << '-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=true' if ENV.compiler != :clang args << '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3' args << '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3' end end args << "#{buildpath}/plugins" system "cmake", *args system "make" # Two dylibs that are only built as part of the Qt gui need an RPATH # set on their internal deps. Check if Qt4 exists before patching them, # otherwise the inreplaces will fail. if Formula.factory('qt').linked_keg.exist? inreplace 'ADM_videoEncoder/ADM_vidEnc_xvid/qt4/cmake_install.cmake', '"libADM_vidEnc_xvid.dylib"', '"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/ADM_plugins/videoEncoder/libADM_vidEnc_xvid.dylib"' inreplace 'ADM_videoEncoder/ADM_vidEnc_x264/qt4/cmake_install.cmake', '"libADM_vidEnc_x264.dylib"', '"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/ADM_plugins/videoEncoder/libADM_vidEnc_x264.dylib"' end system "make install" # The post-build code to finalize the Qt app using BundleUtilities() # was never finished, and does not work atm. So do these manually # if the Qt gui was built: # 1. The plugin loading code looks for plugins in two places: # ../lib # ~/.plugins # 2. So create a lib directory in the .app, one level up. # 3. and copy all the plugins we made to it, # 4. but omit any plugins that are for the CLI only. # 5. CLI only files end in cli.dylib. if File.exists? prefix+'' then app_lib_path = prefix+'' app_plug_path = prefix+'' cellar_plug_path = lib+'ADM_plugins' mkdir_p app_lib_path cp_r cellar_plug_path, app_lib_path Find.find(app_plug_path) do |f| rm f if File.fnmatch('*cli.dylib', f) end end end # of plugbuild end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The command line program avidemux2_cli gets installed in your PATH. The Qt gui is installed if you have Qt4, and its location is #{prefix}/ You can double-click it in Finder or link it into ~/Applications with brew linkapps EOS end end __END__ --- a/avidemux/ADM_core/include/ADM_mangle.h 2011-12-28 16:32:37.000000000 -0800 +++ b/avidemux/ADM_core/include/ADM_mangle.h 2012-04-07 10:49:11.000000000 -0700 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ # else # define MANGLE(a) "_" #a # define FUNNY_MANGLE(x) __attribute__((used)) x asm(MANGLE(x)) -# define FUNNY_MANGLE_ARRAY(x, y) x[y] asm(MANGLE(x)) +# define FUNNY_MANGLE_ARRAY(x, y) __attribute__((used)) x[y] asm(MANGLE(x)) # endif #else # if defined(ADM_CPU_X86_64) && defined(PIC)