require 'formula' class ObjectiveCaml < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '29b44117b116b1a5bc54a8b4514af483793a769f' head '', :using => :svn devel do url '' sha1 '75fedc849cc1cbfe620f0258c0f6c8214467efb7' version '4.00.0+beta2' end bottle do sha1 'e5e28c74b859b8bb15a11f7f2a7a33608671b1b9' => :snowleopard sha1 'f32709be6cba5639a3f7185835963d630d6f8b59' => :lion end # Don't strip symbols, so dynamic linking doesn't break. skip_clean :all def install system "./configure", "--prefix", HOMEBREW_PREFIX, "--mandir", man ENV.deparallelize # Builds are not parallel-safe, esp. with many cores system "make world" system "make opt" system "make opt.opt" system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install" (lib+'ocaml/compiler-libs').install 'typing', 'parsing', 'utils' # site-lib in the Cellar will be a symlink to the HOMEBREW_PREFIX location, # which is mkpath'd by Keg#link when something installs into it ln_s HOMEBREW_PREFIX+"lib/ocaml/site-lib", lib+"ocaml/site-lib" end end