class ClojureLsp < Formula desc "Language Server (LSP) for Clojure" homepage "" # Switch to use git tag/revision as needed by `lein-git-version` url "", tag: "release-20200828T065654", revision: "36ce0a417df06f6fe2f7c9848b570f88e7602e20" version "20200828T065654" license "MIT" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e5c9e1043b5c6a88f6f01fe3fa4d2a7691a25c6bb341718b6f1d7a4634070227" => :catalina sha256 "be48a9f437585ab9c12b217f635c688a3f95216ae3bdb12fbdd742d9a6cdac01" => :mojave sha256 "8bdbfb86e01a9081a774f9f96eda55a89cb7302c35d8bf16651f4e420d748d09" => :high_sierra end depends_on "leiningen" => :build # The Java Runtime version only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 depends_on java: "1.8" def install system "lein", "uberjar" jar = Dir["target/clojure-lsp-*-standalone.jar"][0] libexec.install jar bin.write_jar_script libexec/File.basename(jar), "clojure-lsp" end test do require "Open3" begin stdin, stdout, _, wait_thr = Open3.popen3("#{bin}/clojure-lsp") pid = stdin.write <<~EOF Content-Length: 58 {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"initialize","params":{},"id":1} EOF assert_match "Content-Length", stdout.gets("\n") ensure Process.kill "SIGKILL", pid end end end