require 'formula' class Mongodb < Formula homepage '' if Hardware.is_64_bit? and not build.build_32_bit? url '' sha1 '313a2f7c91354a4cfae7098e622001b4ee483f71' version '2.2.0-x86_64' devel do url '' sha1 'f33522f38280137d6b8d2e4b1befd9b7764c6790' version '2.2.1-rc0-x86_64' end else url '' sha1 'd0a879d8a6fb861917c955dbfe6aebe2cbe29171' version '2.2.0-i386' devel do url '' sha1 '145d659822f836afac85d635e889b2cfa403ed92' version '2.2.1-rc0-i386' end end option '32-bit' def install # Copy the prebuilt binaries to prefix prefix.install Dir['*'] # Create the data and log directories under /var (var+'mongodb').mkpath (var+'log/mongodb').mkpath # Write the configuration files (prefix+'mongod.conf').write mongodb_conf # Homebrew: it just works. # NOTE plist updated to use prefix/mongodb! mv bin/'mongod', prefix (bin/'mongod').write <<-EOS.undent #!/usr/bin/env ruby ARGV << '--config' << '#{etc}/mongod.conf' unless ARGV.include? '--config' exec "#{prefix}/mongod", *ARGV EOS # copy the config file to etc if this is the first install. etc.install prefix+'mongod.conf' unless File.exists? etc+"mongod.conf" end def caveats bn = plist_path.basename la ="#{ENV['HOME']}/Library/LaunchAgents") prettypath = "~/Library/LaunchAgents/#{bn}" domain = plist_path.basename('.plist') load = "launchctl load -w #{prettypath}" s = [] # we readlink because this path probably doesn't exist since caveats # occurs before the link step of installation if not (la/bn).file? s << "To have launchd start #{name} at login:" s << " mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents" unless s << " ln -s #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/#{name}/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/" s << "Then to load #{name} now:" s << " #{load}" s << "Or, if you don't want/need launchctl, you can just run:" s << " mongod" elsif Kernel.system "/bin/launchctl list #{domain} &>/dev/null" s << "You should reload #{name}:" s << " launchctl unload -w #{prettypath}" s << " #{load}" else s << "To load #{name}:" s << " #{load}" end end def mongodb_conf; <<-EOS.undent # Store data in #{var}/mongodb instead of the default /data/db dbpath = #{var}/mongodb # Append logs to #{var}/log/mongodb/mongo.log logpath = #{var}/log/mongodb/mongo.log logappend = true # Only accept local connections bind_ip = EOS end def startup_plist return <<-EOS Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_prefix}/mongod run --config #{etc}/mongod.conf RunAtLoad KeepAlive UserName #{`whoami`.chomp} WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} StandardErrorPath #{var}/log/mongodb/output.log StandardOutPath #{var}/log/mongodb/output.log EOS end end