require 'formula' class Scala < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '058281d9ed7738c99a9d5cd4988370448a12d0c1' option 'with-docs', 'Also install library documentation' option 'with-src', 'Also install sources for IDE support' resource 'docs' do url '' sha1 'd2dfe19d04f42932aaf6fcb5d3025c16a7c8a0cb' end resource 'src' do url '' sha1 '934a2a5e158324399d24f81c9014032ffa0e91ff' end resource 'completion' do url '' sha1 'e2fd99fe31a9fb687a2deaf049265c605692c997' end def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] doc.install Dir['doc/*'] share.install "man" libexec.install "bin", "lib" bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] bash_completion.install resource('completion') doc.install resource('docs') if build.with? 'docs' libexec.install resource('src').files('src') if build.with? 'src' # Set up an IntelliJ compatible symlink farm in 'idea' idea = prefix/'idea' idea.install_symlink libexec/'src', libexec/'lib' (idea/'doc/scala-devel-docs').install_symlink doc => 'api' end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To use with IntelliJ, set the Scala home to: #{opt_prefix}/idea EOS end test do file = testpath/'hello.scala' file.write <<-EOS.undent object Computer { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(2 + 2) } } EOS output = `'#{bin}/scala' #{file}` assert_equal "4", output.strip assert $?.success? end end