class Kibana < Formula desc "Analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch" homepage "" url "", tag: "v7.8.0", revision: "1244c9fa76dccc0c8123a47aca33bddb66e298af" license "Apache-2.0" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "23b35dfccc414118e56e366a0060c960d4c9a729605ea858c1d10408eb1626f0" => :catalina sha256 "3821aba32c5518ad59191b14089762890e7dbc2691f440389cf8c29ba9f4a441" => :mojave sha256 "c76d086b105647d531d4ac9d4069489767abd887847118842019b9528a6afcfa" => :high_sierra end depends_on "python@3.8" => :build depends_on "yarn" => :build depends_on "node@10" def install # remove non open source files rm_rf "x-pack" inreplace "package.json", /"node": "10\.\d+\.\d+"/, %Q("node": "#{Formula["node@10"].version}") system "yarn", "kbn", "bootstrap" system "node", "scripts/build", "--oss", "--release", "--skip-os-packages", "--skip-archives" prefix.install Dir .glob("build/oss/kibana-#{version}-darwin-x86_64/**") .reject { |f| File.fnmatch("build/oss/kibana-#{version}-darwin-x86_64/{node, data, plugins}", f) } mv "licenses/APACHE-LICENSE-2.0.txt", "LICENSE.txt" # install OSS license cd prefix do inreplace "config/kibana.yml", "/var/run/", var/"run/" (etc/"kibana").install Dir["config/*"] rm_rf "config" end end def post_install ln_s etc/"kibana", prefix/"config" (prefix/"data").mkdir (prefix/"plugins").mkdir end def caveats <<~EOS Config: #{etc}/kibana/ If you wish to preserve your plugins upon upgrade, make a copy of #{opt_prefix}/plugins before upgrading, and copy it into the new keg location after upgrading. EOS end plist_options manual: "kibana" def plist <<~EOS Label #{plist_name} Program #{opt_bin}/kibana RunAtLoad EOS end test do ENV["BABEL_CACHE_PATH"] = testpath/".babelcache.json" (testpath/"data").mkdir (testpath/"config.yml").write <<~EOS #{testpath}/data EOS port = free_port fork do exec bin/"kibana", "-p", port.to_s, "-c", testpath/"config.yml" end sleep 15 output = shell_output("curl -s{port}") # Kibana returns this message until it connects to Elasticsearch assert_equal "Kibana server is not ready yet", output end end