class Mlton < Formula desc "Whole-program, optimizing compiler for Standard ML" homepage "" url "" version "20210117" sha256 "ec7a5a54deb39c7c0fa746d17767752154e9cb94dbcf3d15b795083b3f0f154b" license "HPND" version_scheme 1 head "", branch: "master" livecheck do url :stable regex(%r{url=.*?/mlton[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)*(?:-\d+)?)[._-]src\.t}i) end bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "b9c206b21139fd8e3048b0f363caabe323baeea4bd85490708dfa6aafb082968" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "a6544e924c162c854afb4311ae4c9b3d0cf7b27fdf116f31aaf8ec9cb9317ce5" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "44e72a7d678541a53c14bb269a10a7c5031427fb8b5b1073b76a063790b076b0" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "07083ac89dede435371b7dc5df734676047ab9b318710a6220b25ab8e03732d1" end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "gmp" # The corresponding upstream binary release used to bootstrap. resource "bootstrap" do on_macos do # # new `mlton-20210117-1.amd64-darwin-17.7.gmp-static.tgz` artifact # used here for bootstrapping all homebrew versions url "" sha256 "5bea9f60136ea6847890c5f4e45d7126a32ef14fd46a2303cab875ca95c8cd76" end on_linux do url "" sha256 "5ac30fe415dd9bf727327980391df2556fed3f8422e36624db1ce0e9f7fba1e5" end end def install # Install the corresponding upstream binary release to 'bootstrap'. bootstrap = buildpath/"bootstrap" resource("bootstrap").stage do args = %W[ WITH_GMP_DIR=#{Formula["gmp"].opt_prefix} PREFIX=#{bootstrap} MAN_PREFIX_EXTRA=/share ] system "make", *(args + ["install"]) end ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bootstrap/"bin" # Support parallel builds ( ENV.deparallelize args = %W[ WITH_GMP_DIR=#{Formula["gmp"].opt_prefix} DESTDIR= PREFIX=#{prefix} MAN_PREFIX_EXTRA=/share ] args << "OLD_MLTON_COMPILE_ARGS=-link-opt '-no-pie'" if OS.linux? system "make", *(args + ["all"]) system "make", *(args + ["install"]) end test do (testpath/"hello.sml").write <<~'EOS' val () = print "Hello, Homebrew!\n" EOS system "#{bin}/mlton", "hello.sml" assert_equal "Hello, Homebrew!\n", `./hello` end end