require 'formula' class Asymptote < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'c24de9766ae7195c1cda947f9d2ae07497a0af8f' depends_on :tex depends_on 'texinfo' depends_on 'readline' depends_on 'bdw-gc' depends_on 'fftw' => :optional depends_on 'gsl' => :optional def install texmfhome = share/'texmf' system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-gc=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-latex=#{texmfhome}/tex/latex", "--with-context=#{texmfhome}/tex/context/third", # So that `texdoc` can find manuals "--with-docdir=#{texmfhome}/doc" system "make" ENV.deparallelize system "make install" end test do ENV['TEXMFHOME'] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/texmf" (testpath/'asy_test.tex').write <<-EOS.undent \\nonstopmode \\documentclass{minimal} \\usepackage{asymptote} \\begin{document} Hello, Asymptote! \\begin{asy} size(3cm); draw((0,0)--(1,0)--(1,1)--(0,1)--cycle); \\end{asy} \\end{document} EOS system "pdflatex asy_test" system "asy asy_test-1.asy" system "pdflatex asy_test" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This formula links the latest version of the Asymptote LaTeX and ConTeXt packages into: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/texmf In order for these packages to be visible to TeX compilers, the above directory will need to be added to the TeX search path: sudo tlmgr conf texmf TEXMFHOME "~/Library/texmf:#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/texmf" If you wish to use xasy, you must first install the Python Imaging Library: brew install pil EOS end end