require 'formula' class Zabbix < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '26ffd4616a96434b3c357146780f66058f6fbd80' option 'with-mysql', 'Use Zabbix Server with MySQL library instead PostgreSQL.' option 'agent-only', 'Install only the Zabbix Agent without Server and Proxy.' unless build.include?('agent-only') depends_on (build.include?('with-mysql') ? :mysql : :postgresql) depends_on 'fping' depends_on 'libssh2' end def brewed_or_shipped(db_config) brewed_db_config = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/#{db_config}" (File.exists?(brewed_db_config) && brewed_db_config) || which(db_config) end def install args = %W{ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-agent } unless build.include?('agent-only') db_adapter = if build.include?('with-mysql') "--with-mysql=#{brewed_or_shipped('mysql_config')}" else "--with-postgresql=#{brewed_or_shipped('pg_config')}" end args += %W{ --enable-server --enable-proxy #{db_adapter} --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-ssh2 } end system "./configure", *args system "make install" unless build.include?('agent-only') (share/'zabbix').install 'frontends/php', "database/#{build.include?('with-mysql') ? :mysql : :postgresql}" end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Please read the fine manual for post-install instructions: Or just use Puppet: EOS end def test system "#{sbin}/zabbix_agentd", "--print" end end