require 'formula' class Jruby < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'ccb0b2dbc300d8dd4ad1bd4da48b8320' def install # Remove Windows files rm Dir['bin/*.{bat,dll,exe}'] # Prefix a 'j' on some commands Dir.chdir 'bin' do Dir['*'].each do |file| mv file, "j#{file}" unless file.match /^[j_]/ end end # Only keep the OS X native libraries Dir.chdir 'lib/native' do Dir['*'].each do |file| rm_rf file unless file.downcase == 'darwin' end end (prefix+'jruby').install Dir['*'] bin.mkpath Dir["#{prefix}/jruby/bin/*"].each do |f| ln_s f, bin+File.basename(f) end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Consider using RVM to manage Ruby environments: * RVM: EOS end def test system "jruby -e 'puts \"hello\"'" end end