require 'formula' class Autoconf < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 '562471cbcb0dd0fa42a76665acf0dbb68479b78a' bottle do revision 1 sha1 "319a4ac05d83b5b3db37dcc629a46a412ec1989b" => :mavericks sha1 "83184a596d69f3a868e6780c1c8fba309ea28fb2" => :mountain_lion sha1 "7d31f63e5ddd1bbbf0397b0b70df1ff9e70f998b" => :lion end if MacOS::Xcode.provides_autotools? or File.file? "/usr/bin/autoconf" keg_only "Xcode (up to and including 4.2) provides (a rather old) Autoconf." end def install ENV['PERL'] = '/usr/bin/perl' # force autoreconf to look for and use our glibtoolize inreplace 'bin/', 'libtoolize', 'glibtoolize' # also touch the man page so that it isn't rebuilt inreplace 'man/autoreconf.1', 'libtoolize', 'glibtoolize' system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make install" rm_f info/'' end test do cp "#{share}/autoconf/autotest/autotest.m4", 'autotest.m4' system "#{bin}/autoconf", 'autotest.m4' end end