pcre: use options DSL

Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <jacknagel@gmail.com>
Jack Nagel 2012-08-12 12:58:16 -05:00
parent beeb03e5f5
commit ebbcd97e28
1 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -6,17 +6,15 @@ class Pcre < Formula
mirror 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pcre/pcre/8.31/pcre-8.31.tar.bz2'
sha256 '5778a02535473c7ee7838ea598c19f451e63cf5eec0bf0307a688301c9078c3c'
option :universal
fails_with :llvm do
build 2326
cause "Bus error in ld on SL 10.6.4"
def options
[["--universal", "Build a universal binary."]]
def install
ENV.universal_binary if ARGV.build_universal?
ENV.universal_binary if build.niversal?
system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking",