yosys 0.7 (new formula)

Yosys is a framework for Verilog RTL synthesis. It is a part of an
open source tool chain for FPGA development with Lattice iCE40
FPGA's. See Project IceStorm at http://www.clifford.at/icestorm/
It is also supports synthesis for several other targets.

It has an (optional) dependency on ABC, which is used for some
advanced optimizations. Not all versions of Yosys work with all
versions of ABC, so Yosys includes its own ABC binary. It normally
checks out a mercurial repository and builds a specific ABC commit
from source. This recipe uses a tar.gz resource for the ABC source
instead. I didn't try to make ABC a separate recipe since it has no
tagged releases.

Closes #9877.

Signed-off-by: Mike McQuaid <mike@mikemcquaid.com>
Josh Headapohl 2017-02-11 22:09:34 -05:00 committed by Mike McQuaid
parent a2de34dd1a
commit e9d10d69a9
1 changed files with 112 additions and 0 deletions

Formula/yosys.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
class Yosys < Formula
desc "Framework for Verilog RTL synthesis"
homepage "http://www.clifford.at/yosys/"
url "https://github.com/cliffordwolf/yosys/archive/yosys-0.7.tar.gz"
sha256 "3df986d0c6bf20b78193456e11c660f2ad935cc126537c2dc5726e78896d6e6e"
depends_on "python3"
depends_on "libffi" => :recommended
depends_on "readline" => :recommended
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "bison" => :build
# The makefile in Yosys 0.7 adds library search paths from macports, which a homebrew build
# should not be using. It also prints warnings about a missing brew command.
# See https://github.com/cliffordwolf/yosys/pull/303 for discussion.
# The patch is based on the Makefile changes in this upstream commit:
# https://github.com/cliffordwolf/yosys/commit/a431f4ee311b9563f546201d255e429e9ce58cfa
patch :DATA
# This ABC revision is specified in the makefile.
# The makefile by default checks it out using mercurial,
# but this recipe instead downloads a tar.gz archive.
resource "abc" do
url "https://bitbucket.org/alanmi/abc/get/eb6eca6807cc.tar.gz"
sha256 "ae9acddad38a950d48466e2f66de8116f2d21d03c78f5a270fa3bf77c3fd7b5b"
def install
args = []
resource("abc").stage buildpath/"abc"
args << "ENABLE_PLUGINS=0" if build.without? "libffi"
args << "ENABLE_READLINE=0" if build.without? "readline"
system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "PRETTY=0", "ABCREV=default", *args
test do
system "#{bin}/yosys", "-p", "hierarchy; proc; opt; techmap; opt;", "-o", "synth.v", "#{pkgshare}/adff2dff.v"
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0a61fe65..2d973b18 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -53,23 +53,31 @@ CXXFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -ggdb -I. -I"$(YOSYS_SRC)" -MD -D_YOSYS_ -fPIC -I$(PRE
LDLIBS = -lstdc++ -lm
-PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
-SED = sed
-BISON = bison
+PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
+SED ?= sed
+BISON ?= bison
ifeq (Darwin,$(findstring Darwin,$(shell uname)))
- # add macports/homebrew include and library path to search directories, don't use '-rdynamic' and '-lrt':
- CXXFLAGS += -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/opt/readline/include
- LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib
- # add homebrew's libffi include and library path
- CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(brew list libffi | grep pkgconfig | xargs dirname) pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags libffi)
- LDFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(brew list libffi | grep pkgconfig | xargs dirname) pkg-config --silence-errors --libs libffi)
- # use bison installed by homebrew if available
- BISON = $(shell (brew list bison | grep -m1 "bin/bison") || echo bison)
- SED = sed
+# homebrew search paths
+ifneq ($(shell which brew),)
+BREW_PREFIX := $(shell brew --prefix)/opt
+CXXFLAGS += -I$(BREW_PREFIX)/readline/include
+LDFLAGS += -L$(BREW_PREFIX)/readline/lib
+PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(BREW_PREFIX)/libffi/lib/pkgconfig:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)
+PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(BREW_PREFIX)/tcl-tk/lib/pkgconfig:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)
+export PATH := $(BREW_PREFIX)/bison/bin:$(BREW_PREFIX)/gettext/bin:$(BREW_PREFIX)/flex/bin:$(PATH)
+# macports search paths
+else ifneq ($(shell which port),)
+PORT_PREFIX := $(patsubst %/bin/port,%,$(shell which port))
+export PATH := $(PORT_PREFIX)/bin:$(PATH)
- LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
- LDLIBS += -lrt
+LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
+LDLIBS += -lrt
YOSYS_VER := 0.7
@@ -202,15 +210,16 @@ endif
ifeq ($(ENABLE_PLUGINS),1)
-CXXFLAGS += -DYOSYS_ENABLE_PLUGINS $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --cflags libffi)
-LDLIBS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --libs libffi || echo -lffi) -ldl
+CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --cflags libffi) -DYOSYS_ENABLE_PLUGINS
+LDLIBS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --libs libffi || echo -lffi) -ldl
ifeq ($(ENABLE_TCL),1)
TCL_VERSION ?= tcl$(shell bash -c "tclsh <(echo 'puts [info tclversion]')")
TCL_INCLUDE ?= /usr/include/$(TCL_VERSION)
+CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --cflags tcl || echo -I$(TCL_INCLUDE)) -DYOSYS_ENABLE_TCL
+LDLIBS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --libs tcl || echo -l$(TCL_VERSION))
ifeq ($(ENABLE_GPROF),1)