gst-plugins-good@0.10: remove

FX Coudert 2018-01-19 18:44:45 +01:00 committed by ilovezfs
parent cddc797719
commit ba14c77a3a
2 changed files with 0 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
class GstPluginsGoodAT010 < Formula
desc "GStreamer plugins (well-supported, under the LGPL)"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "7e27840e40a7932ef2dc032d7201f9f41afcaf0b437daf5d1d44dc96d9e35ac6"
bottle do
sha256 "9ae6494ca95ab07281ad65af34122d8b34518c3b00b0f4a58c412ae1ed8d6838" => :high_sierra
sha256 "34901e80453e914f5b9d0c177676bad5eed5df7f516fbfa4644661937c9dcca1" => :sierra
sha256 "c83939d0c7e928717ced578b1d406790e3c5d594a727cf8ad16f18fb2ce808a4" => :el_capitan
sha256 "b62bc4ff67d0f82fc3a6d35b8b525a26d77dd5ccdf8640ac1b1516b64c146bde" => :yosemite
depends_on :x11
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "gettext"
depends_on "gst-plugins-base@0.10"
depends_on "cairo"
# The set of optional dependencies is based on the intersection of
# gst-plugins-good-0.10.30/REQUIREMENTS and Homebrew formulae
depends_on "orc" => :optional
depends_on "gtk+" => :optional
depends_on "check" => :optional
depends_on "aalib" => :optional
depends_on "libcdio" => :optional
depends_on "flac" => :optional
depends_on "jpeg" => :optional
depends_on "libcaca" => :optional
depends_on "libdv" => :optional
depends_on "libshout" => :optional
depends_on "speex" => :optional
depends_on "taglib" => :optional
depends_on "libsoup" => :optional
def install
args = %W[
# Prevent "fatal error: 'QuickTime/QuickTime.h' file not found"
args << "--disable-osx_video" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 800
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
system "make", "install"
test do
gst = Formula["gstreamer@0.10"].opt_bin/"gst-inspect-0.10"
output = shell_output("#{gst} --plugin cairo")
assert_match version.to_s, output