tnftp 20151004

Closes #56608.

Signed-off-by: BrewTestBot <>
Sam Ford 2020-06-20 12:43:59 -04:00 committed by BrewTestBot
parent 9ecd11cc5a
commit a9dc0cc6cb
1 changed files with 7 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
class Tnftp < Formula
desc "NetBSD's FTP client (built from macOS Sierra sources)"
homepage ""
url ""
version "20070806"
sha256 "ba35a8e3c2e524e5772e729f592ac0978f9027da2433753736e1eb1f1351ae9d"
url ""
sha256 "c94a8a49d3f4aec1965feea831d4d5bf6f90c65fd8381ee0863d11a5029a43a0"
bottle do
cellar :any_skip_relocation
@ -14,28 +13,15 @@ class Tnftp < Formula
sha256 "fdaf7c1ab1fcb48226a9846452b352e4da302ac6aca61a74a67f97b8bb21c942" => :el_capitan
depends_on :xcode => :build
conflicts_with "inetutils", :because => "both install `ftp' binaries"
def install
# Trying to use Apple's pre-supplied Makefile resulted
# in headaches... they have made the build process
# specifically for installing to /usr/bin and so it
# just doesn't play well with homebrew.
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
system "make", "all"
# so just build straight from ftp's own sources
# from the extracted 20070806 tarball which have
# already been patched
cd "tnftp" do
system "./configure"
system "make", "all"
system "strip", "-x", "src/ftp" # this is done in Apple's `post-install` target
bin.install "src/ftp"
man1.install "src/ftp.1"
bin.install "src/tnftp" => "ftp"
man1.install "src/ftp.1"
test do