pil: remove PPC support

Adam Vandenberg 2011-04-05 07:20:35 -07:00
parent db643e3df0
commit 9af0c7663d
1 changed files with 9 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ class Pil < Formula
depends_on 'little-cms' => :optional
def install
# barfs with any of -march=core2 -mmmx -msse4.1
# Find the arch for the Python we are building against.
# We remove 'ppc' support, so we can pass Intel-optimized CFLAGS.
archs = archs_for_command("python")
ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] = archs.as_arch_flags
inreplace "setup.py" do |s|
# Tell setup where Freetype2 is on 10.5/10.6
@ -32,19 +35,10 @@ class Pil < Formula
system "python", "setup.py", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
def caveats
This formula installs PIL against whatever Python is first in your path.
This Python needs to have either setuptools or distribute installed or the
build will fail.
If you are using a Homebrew-built Python, you can do:
brew install distribute
to get this support library.
If you are using a custom Python, run:
brew info distribute
to see manual setup instructions.
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
This formula installs PIL against whatever Python is first in your path.
This Python needs to have either setuptools or distribute installed or
the build will fail.