node@14 14.15.0 (new formula)

* Creating formula for Node14
* Switching to metadata from last V14 commit
* Adding keg_only
* Removing HEAD
* Typo
* Removing "bottle do"
* Update Formula/node@14.rb
* Update node@14.rb
  Making the post_install look like the rest of the versioned node formula
* Update node@14.rb
  Matching the other versioned node installs even more.
* Fixing whitespace
* Adding python to install
* Apply suggestions from code review
* Updating to v14.15.0

Closes #63410.

Co-authored-by: Jason Karns <>
Co-authored-by: Diogo Azevedo <>
Co-authored-by: Eric Veenendaal <>
Signed-off-by: FX Coudert <>
Eric Veenendaal 2020-10-24 08:53:59 -05:00 committed by FX Coudert
parent 5c2aa8a12e
commit 708834a7c7
1 changed files with 56 additions and 0 deletions

Formula/node@14.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
class NodeAT14 < Formula
desc "Platform built on V8 to build network applications"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "5f9529e0a42985d5a81620635ab2541e3553daede42903d1b3176f808d46411c"
license "MIT"
livecheck do
url ""
regex(%r{href=["']?v?(14(?:\.\d+)+)/?["' >]}i)
keg_only :versioned_formula
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "python@3.9" => :build
depends_on "icu4c"
def install
# make sure subprocesses spawned by make are using our Python 3
ENV["PYTHON"] = Formula["python@3.9"].opt_bin/"python3"
system "python3", "", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-intl=system-icu"
system "make", "install"
def post_install
(lib/"node_modules/npm/npmrc").atomic_write("prefix = #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}\n")
test do
path = testpath/"test.js"
path.write "console.log('hello');"
output = shell_output("#{bin}/node #{path}").strip
assert_equal "hello", output
output = shell_output("#{bin}/node -e 'console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat(\"en-EN\").format(1234.56))'").strip
assert_equal "1,234.56", output
output = shell_output("#{bin}/node -e 'console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat(\"de-DE\").format(1234.56))'").strip
assert_equal "1.234,56", output
# make sure npm can find node
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", opt_bin
assert_equal which("node"), opt_bin/"node"
assert_predicate bin/"npm", :exist?, "npm must exist"
assert_predicate bin/"npm", :executable?, "npm must be executable"
npm_args = ["-ddd", "--cache=#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/npm_cache", "--build-from-source"]
system "#{bin}/npm", *npm_args, "install", "npm@latest"
system "#{bin}/npm", *npm_args, "install", "bufferutil"
assert_predicate bin/"npx", :exist?, "npx must exist"
assert_predicate bin/"npx", :executable?, "npx must be executable"
assert_match "< hello >", shell_output("#{bin}/npx cowsay hello")