Remove open3 from Csound test (#48379)

Nate Whetsell 2019-12-30 08:14:17 -05:00 committed by chenrui
parent 32d11f3617
commit 6fcb18732b
1 changed files with 4 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -109,13 +109,10 @@ class Csound < Formula
ENV["OPCODE6DIR64"] = frameworks/"CsoundLib64.framework/Resources/Opcodes64"
ENV["RAWWAVE_PATH"] = Formula["stk"].pkgshare/"rawwaves"
require "open3"
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("#{bin}/csound test.orc test.sco")
assert status.success?
assert_equal "hello, world\n", stdout
assert_match /^rtaudio:/, stderr
assert_match /^rtmidi:/, stderr
output = shell_output "#{bin}/csound test.orc test.sco 2>&1"
assert_match /^hello, world\n/, output
assert_match /^rtaudio:/, output
assert_match /^rtmidi:/, output
assert_predicate testpath/"test.aif", :exist?
assert_predicate testpath/"test.h5", :exist?