Preserve the SDK images between upgrades

The `android` tool downloads the SDK images into its prefix. Which means you have to move them manually to the new android-sdk keg when you upgrade. Which sucks. So we'll store them in the var/lib/android-sdk directory because that makes the most sense based on my interpretation of the POSIX filesystem hierarchy documentation.

We still have to symlink the var directories back into the keg, because the SDK is stupid.

For discussion: whether we should use var in this manner more.
Max Howell 2010-09-12 21:55:04 +01:00
parent 71a3777613
commit 64f9d25101
1 changed files with 19 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -6,31 +6,35 @@ class AndroidSdk <Formula
md5 '0f330ed3ebb36786faf6dc72b8acf819'
version 'r7'
skip_clean 'add-ons'
skip_clean 'platforms'
skip_clean 'temp'
VAR_DIRS = %w[platforms docs samples temp add-ons]
skip_clean VAR_DIRS
def install
mkdir %w[temp docs] << bin
mkdir bin
mv 'SDK Readme.txt', 'README'
prefix.install Dir['*']
mv 'SDK Readme.txt', prefix/'README'
mv 'tools', prefix
%w[adb android apkbuilder ddms dmtracedump draw9patch emulator
hierarchyviewer hprof-conv layoutopt mksdcard traceview
zipalign].each do |tool|
# this is data that should be preserved across upgrades, but the Android
# SDK isn't too smart, so we still have to symlink it back into its tree.
VAR_DIRS.each do |d|
dst = prefix/d
src = var/'lib/android-sdk'/d
src.mkpath unless
dst.make_relative_symlink src
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
We agreed to the Android SDK License Agreement for you when we downloaded the
SDK. If this is unacceptable you should uninstall. You can read the license
Please add this line to your .bash_profile:
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=#{prefix}
def caveats; <<-EOS
We put the useful tools in the PATH. Like the `android` tool. You probably
want to run that now.