939 lines
34 KiB
939 lines
34 KiB
// Code generated by mockery v0.0.0-dev. DO NOT EDIT.
package aws
import (
context "context"
applicationautoscaling "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/applicationautoscaling"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
request "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request"
// MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling is an autogenerated mock type for the FakeApplicationAutoScaling type
type MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling struct {
// DeleteScalingPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeleteScalingPolicy(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput) (*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput) *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DeleteScalingPolicyRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeleteScalingPolicyRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput) *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput)
return r0, r1
// DeleteScalingPolicyWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeleteScalingPolicyWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScalingPolicyInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DeleteScheduledAction provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeleteScheduledAction(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput) (*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput) *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DeleteScheduledActionRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeleteScheduledActionRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput) *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput)
return r0, r1
// DeleteScheduledActionWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeleteScheduledActionWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DeleteScheduledActionInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DeregisterScalableTarget provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeregisterScalableTarget(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput) (*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput) *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DeregisterScalableTargetRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeregisterScalableTargetRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput) *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput)
return r0, r1
// DeregisterScalableTargetWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DeregisterScalableTargetWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DeregisterScalableTargetInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalableTargets provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalableTargets(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalableTargetsPages provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalableTargetsPages(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput, _a1 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput, bool) bool) error {
ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput, bool) bool) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScalableTargetsPagesWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2, _a3
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalableTargetsPagesWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput, _a2 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput, bool) bool, _a3 ...request.Option) error {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a3))
for _i := range _a3 {
_va[_i] = _a3[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1, _a2)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput, bool) bool, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2, _a3...)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScalableTargetsRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalableTargetsRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalableTargetsWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalableTargetsWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalableTargetsInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalingActivities provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingActivities(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalingActivitiesPages provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingActivitiesPages(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput, _a1 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput, bool) bool) error {
ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput, bool) bool) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScalingActivitiesPagesWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2, _a3
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingActivitiesPagesWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput, _a2 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput, bool) bool, _a3 ...request.Option) error {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a3))
for _i := range _a3 {
_va[_i] = _a3[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1, _a2)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput, bool) bool, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2, _a3...)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalingActivitiesWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingActivitiesWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingActivitiesInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalingPolicies provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingPolicies(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalingPoliciesPages provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingPoliciesPages(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, _a1 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, bool) bool) error {
ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, bool) bool) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScalingPoliciesPagesWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2, _a3
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingPoliciesPagesWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, _a2 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, bool) bool, _a3 ...request.Option) error {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a3))
for _i := range _a3 {
_va[_i] = _a3[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1, _a2)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, bool) bool, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2, _a3...)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScalingPoliciesRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingPoliciesRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScalingPoliciesWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScalingPoliciesWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScheduledActions provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScheduledActions(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScheduledActionsPages provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScheduledActionsPages(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput, _a1 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput, bool) bool) error {
ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput, bool) bool) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScheduledActionsPagesWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2, _a3
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScheduledActionsPagesWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput, _a2 func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput, bool) bool, _a3 ...request.Option) error {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a3))
for _i := range _a3 {
_va[_i] = _a3[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1, _a2)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput, func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput, bool) bool, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2, _a3...)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DescribeScheduledActionsRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScheduledActionsRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput)
return r0, r1
// DescribeScheduledActionsWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) DescribeScheduledActionsWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.DescribeScheduledActionsInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// PutScalingPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) PutScalingPolicy(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput) (*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput) *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// PutScalingPolicyRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) PutScalingPolicyRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput) *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput)
return r0, r1
// PutScalingPolicyWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) PutScalingPolicyWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.PutScalingPolicyInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// PutScheduledAction provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) PutScheduledAction(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput) (*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput) *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// PutScheduledActionRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) PutScheduledActionRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput) *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput)
return r0, r1
// PutScheduledActionWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) PutScheduledActionWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.PutScheduledActionInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// RegisterScalableTarget provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) RegisterScalableTarget(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput) (*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput, error) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput) *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// RegisterScalableTargetRequest provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) RegisterScalableTargetRequest(_a0 *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput) (*request.Request, *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput) {
ret := _m.Called(_a0)
var r0 *request.Request
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput) *request.Request); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*request.Request)
var r1 *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput) *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0)
} else {
if ret.Get(1) != nil {
r1 = ret.Get(1).(*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput)
return r0, r1
// RegisterScalableTargetWithContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (_m *MockFakeApplicationAutoScaling) RegisterScalableTargetWithContext(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput, _a2 ...request.Option) (*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput, error) {
_va := make([]interface{}, len(_a2))
for _i := range _a2 {
_va[_i] = _a2[_i]
var _ca []interface{}
_ca = append(_ca, _a0, _a1)
_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
var r0 *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput, ...request.Option) *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput); ok {
r0 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetOutput)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *applicationautoscaling.RegisterScalableTargetInput, ...request.Option) error); ok {
r1 = rf(_a0, _a1, _a2...)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1