# Snyk (https://snyk.io) policy file, patches or ignores known vulnerabilities. version: v1.22.1 # ignores vulnerabilities until expiry date; change duration by modifying expiry date ignore: SNYK-GOLANG-GITHUBCOMDGRIJALVAJWTGO-596515: - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure@0.11.3 > github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest@0.11.3 > github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal@0.9.0 > github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go@3.2.0: reason: >- This vuln is ignored since it is related to JWT in azure SDK and we are not concerned by this code expires: 2030-12-22T16:25:33.572Z created: 2030-11-22T16:25:33.580Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-checkpoint:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-cleanhttp:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-getter:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-multierror:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-plugin:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-retryablehttp:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-safetemp:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-slug:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-tfe:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-uuid:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-version:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:hcl:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:hcl:v2:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:terraform-json:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:terraform-svchost:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:yamux:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:r3labs:diff:v2:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z 'snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:errwrap:MPL-2.0': - '*': reason: >- This license is addressed by including acknowledgments in each release created: 2021-12-09T16:40:21.832Z SNYK-GOLANG-GOLANGORGXCRYPTOSSH-2331920: - 'github.com/hashicorp/terraform/terraform@0.14.0 > *': reason: We do not use this part of terraform code created: 2022-01-11T09:46:06.556Z - 'github.com/hashicorp/terraform/plugin@0.14.0 > *': reason: We do not use this part of terraform plugin created: 2022-01-11T09:46:06.556Z patch: {}