# Cover my ass CLI tool to cover your tracks on UNIX systems. Designed for CTF post exploitation phase, when you need to cover your tracks and exit the infected server. Or, even better, permanently disable bash & auth history. **This tool supports zsh shell.** ## Installation Read the install script before running it. You'll need sudo privileges. ``` curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sundowndev/covermyass/master/install.sh | bash ``` Without sudo : ``` cd $HOME curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sundowndev/covermyass/master/covermyass.sh -o ./covermyass chmod +x ./covermyass ``` Keep in mind that without sudo privileges, you'll be unable to clean auth logs. ## Usage Simply type : ``` covermyass # use sudo if you want to clean auth logs ``` Follow the instructions : ``` Welcome to Cover my ass tool ! Select an option : 1) Clear auth & bash history for user sundowndev 2) Permenently disable bash log 3) Restore settings to default 99) Exit tool > ```