function tab_initialize_initial_setup() { ga_tracker.sendAppView('Initial Setup'); GUI.active_tab = 'initial_setup'; send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_TRIM, MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_TRIM, false, load_misc_data); function load_misc_data() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_MISC, MSP_codes.MSP_MISC, false, load_html); } function load_html() { $('#content').load("./tabs/initial_setup.html", process_html); } function process_html() { var yaw_fix = 0.0; // Fill in misc stuff $('input[name="mincellvoltage"]').val(MISC.vbatmincellvoltage); $('input[name="maxcellvoltage"]').val(MISC.vbatmaxcellvoltage); $('input[name="voltagescale"]').val(MISC.vbatscale); $('input[name="minthrottle"]').val(MISC.minthrottle); $('input[name="maxthrottle"]').val(MISC.maxthrottle); $('input[name="failsafe_throttle"]').val(MISC.failsafe_throttle); $('input[name="mincommand"]').val(MISC.mincommand); $('input[name="mag_declination"]').val(MISC.mag_declination / 10); // Fill in the accel trimms from CONFIG object $('input[name="pitch"]').val(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[0]); $('input[name="roll"]').val(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[1]); // Display multiType var str = ''; switch (CONFIG.multiType) { case 1: // TRI str = 'TRI'; break; case 2: // QUAD + str = 'Quad +'; break; case 3: // QUAD X str = 'Quad X'; break; case 4: // BI str = 'BI'; break; case 5: // GIMBAL str = 'Gimbal'; break; case 6: // Y6 str = 'Y6'; break; case 7: // HEX 6 str = 'HEX 6'; break; case 8: // FLYING_WING str = 'Flying Wing'; break; case 9: // Y4 str = 'Y4'; break; case 10: // HEX6 X str = 'HEX6 X'; break; case 11: // OCTO X8 case 12: case 13: str = 'OCTO X8'; break; case 14: // AIRPLANE str = 'Airplane'; break; case 15: // Heli 120 str = 'Heli 120'; break; case 16: // Heli 90 str = 'Heli 90'; break; case 17: // Vtail str = 'Vtail'; break; case 18: // HEX6 H str = 'HEX6 H'; break; case 19: // PPM to SERVO str = 'PPM to SERVO'; break; case 20: // Dualcopter str = 'Dualcopter'; break; case 21: // str = 'Singlecopter'; break; } $('span.model').html('Model: ' + str); // UI Hooks $('a.calibrateAccel').click(function() { var self = $(this); if (!self.hasClass('calibrating')) { self.addClass('calibrating'); // During this period MCU won't be able to process any serial commands because its locked in a for/while loop // until this operation finishes, sending more commands through data_poll() will result in serial buffer overflow GUI.interval_pause('initial_setup_data_pull'); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_CALIBRATION, MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_CALIBRATION, false, function() { GUI.log('Accelerometer calibration started'); }); GUI.timeout_add('button_reset', function() { GUI.interval_resume('initial_setup_data_pull'); GUI.log('Accelerometer calibration finished'); self.removeClass('calibrating'); }, 2000); } }); $('a.calibrateMag').click(function() { var self = $(this); if (!self.hasClass('calibrating')) { self.addClass('calibrating'); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_MAG_CALIBRATION, MSP_codes.MSP_MAG_CALIBRATION, false, function() { GUI.log('Magnetometer calibration started'); }); GUI.timeout_add('button_reset', function() { GUI.log('Magnetometer calibration finished'); self.removeClass('calibrating'); }, 30000); } }); $('a.resetSettings').click(function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RESET_CONF, MSP_codes.MSP_RESET_CONF, false, function() { GUI.log('Settings restored to default'); GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function() { tab_initialize_initial_setup(); }); }); }); $('a.update').click(function() { CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[0] = parseInt($('input[name="pitch"]').val()); CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[1] = parseInt($('input[name="roll"]').val()); var buffer_out = new Array(); buffer_out[0] = lowByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[0]); buffer_out[1] = highByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[0]); buffer_out[2] = lowByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[1]); buffer_out[3] = highByte(CONFIG.accelerometerTrims[1]); // Send over the new trims send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_ACC_TRIM, buffer_out); MISC.vbatmincellvoltage = parseFloat($('input[name="mincellvoltage"]').val()) * 10; MISC.vbatmaxcellvoltage = parseFloat($('input[name="maxcellvoltage"]').val()) * 10; MISC.vbatscale = parseInt($('input[name="voltagescale"]').val()); MISC.minthrottle = parseInt($('input[name="minthrottle"]').val()); MISC.maxthrottle = parseInt($('input[name="maxthrottle"]').val()); MISC.failsafe_throttle = parseInt($('input[name="failsafe_throttle"]').val()); MISC.mincommand = parseInt($('input[name="mincommand"]').val()); MISC.mag_declination = parseFloat($('input[name="mag_declination"]').val()) * 10; // we also have to fill the unsupported bytes var buffer_out = new Array(); buffer_out[0] = 0; // powerfailmeter buffer_out[1] = 0; buffer_out[2] = lowByte(MISC.minthrottle); buffer_out[3] = highByte(MISC.minthrottle); buffer_out[4] = lowByte(MISC.maxthrottle); buffer_out[5] = highByte(MISC.maxthrottle); buffer_out[6] = lowByte(MISC.mincommand); buffer_out[7] = highByte(MISC.mincommand); buffer_out[8] = lowByte(MISC.failsafe_throttle); buffer_out[9] = highByte(MISC.failsafe_throttle); buffer_out[10] = 0; buffer_out[11] = 0; buffer_out[12] = 0; buffer_out[13] = 0; buffer_out[14] = 0; buffer_out[15] = 0; buffer_out[16] = lowByte(MISC.mag_declination); buffer_out[17] = highByte(MISC.mag_declination); buffer_out[18] = MISC.vbatscale; buffer_out[19] = MISC.vbatmincellvoltage; buffer_out[20] = MISC.vbatmaxcellvoltage; buffer_out[21] = 0; // vbatlevel_crit (unused) // Send over new misc send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_MISC, buffer_out, false, save_to_eeprom); function save_to_eeprom() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE, MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE, false, function() { GUI.log('EEPROM saved'); var element = $('a.update'); element.addClass('success'); GUI.timeout_add('success_highlight', function() { element.removeClass('success'); }, 2000); }); } }); // reset yaw button hook $('div#interactive_block > a.reset').click(function() { yaw_fix = SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsZ * - 1.0; console.log("YAW reset to 0"); }); $('#content .backup').click(configuration_backup); $('#content .restore').click(configuration_restore); // data pulling functions used inside interval timer function get_analog_data() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_ANALOG, MSP_codes.MSP_ANALOG, false, get_attitude_data); } function get_attitude_data() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_ATTITUDE, MSP_codes.MSP_ATTITUDE, false, update_ui); } function update_ui() { // Update voltage indicator $('.bat-voltage').html(ANALOG.voltage + ' V'); // Update cube var cube = $('div#cube'); cube.css('-webkit-transform', 'rotateY(' + ((SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsZ * -1.0) - yaw_fix) + 'deg)'); $('#cubePITCH', cube).css('-webkit-transform', 'rotateX(' + SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsY + 'deg)'); $('#cubeROLL', cube).css('-webkit-transform', 'rotateZ(' + SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsX + 'deg)'); /* // Update Compass $('div#compass .pointer').css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate(' + (SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsZ) + 'deg)'); $('div#compass .value').html(SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsZ + '°'); */ } GUI.interval_add('initial_setup_data_pull', get_analog_data, 50, true); // status data pulled via separate timer with static speed GUI.interval_add('status_pull', function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS, MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS); }, 250, true); } }