[1mdiff --git a/_locales/en/messages.json b/_locales/en/messages.json[m
[1mindex 7ad20b6..dcebce2 100755[m
[1m--- a/_locales/en/messages.json[m
[1m+++ b/_locales/en/messages.json[m
[36m@@ -1691,8 +1691,27 @@[m
"message": "Magnetometer (if supported)"[m
"PIDTip": {[m
[31m- "message": "Derivative from Error provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[31m- } [m
[32m+[m[32m "message": "Derivative from Error Provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[32m+[m[32m },[m
[32m+[m[32m "PTip": {[m
[32m+[m[32m "message": "Proportional provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[32m+[m[32m },[m
[32m+[m[32m "ITip": {[m
[32m+[m[32m "message": "Integral provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[32m+[m[32m },[m
[32m+[m[32m "DTip": {[m
[32m+[m[32m "message": "Derivative provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[32m+[m[32m },[m
[32m+[m[32m "RateTip": {[m
[32m+[m[32m "message": "Rate provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[32m+[m[32m },[m
[32m+[m[32m "RcRateTip": {[m
[32m+[m[32m "message": "Rc Rate provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[32m+[m[32m },[m
[32m+[m[32m "ExpoTip": {[m
[32m+[m[32m "message": "Rc Expo provides more direct stick response and is mostly prefered for Racing.
Derivative from Measurement provides smoother stick response what is more usefull for freestyling"[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m[41m [m
[32m+[m[41m [m
[1mdiff --git a/tabs/pid_tuning.html b/tabs/pid_tuning.html[m
[1mindex fbae9bf..c025797 100755[m
[1m--- a/tabs/pid_tuning.html[m
[1m+++ b/tabs/pid_tuning.html[m
[36m@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@[m
[m [31m- | [m [32m+[m[32m | [m [32m+[m[32m | [m[m | [m | [m |