function start_app() {'main.html', { id: 'main-window', resizable: false }, function(window_child) { window_child.onClosed.addListener(function() { // connectionId is passed from the script side through the chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage refference // allowing us to automatically close the port when application shut down if (app_window.connectionId > 0) { chrome.serial.close(app_window.connectionId, function(result) { console.log('SERIAL: Connection closed - ' + result); }); } }); }); } { start_app(); }); chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function(details) { if (details.reason == 'update') { var manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest(); var options = { priority: 0, type: 'basic', title: 'Baseflight Configurator Update', message: 'Application just updated to version: ' + manifest.version, iconUrl: '/images/icon_128.png', buttons: [{'title': 'Click this button to start the application'}] }; chrome.notifications.create('baseflight_update', options, function(notificationId) { // empty }); } }); chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener(function(notificationId, buttonIndex) { if (notificationId == 'baseflight_update') { start_app(); } });